
Entry (1/4)1  hira
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Music: (in general)
4  Sound
Explanations in Malagasy  5  lalao, kilalao, hehy [Taisaka] [1.78]6  Fitohitohizam-peo misy miakatra sy midina, mafy sy malemy, namboarina mba hilaz ana fihetseham-po; feo mirindra mahafinaritra: Mahahontsa izay hira izay 7  Tononkalo: Enga anie ny hirako hanony izay tomany (Ny Avana) 8  Hirahira: Hira andaniana andro. 9  (Misy hevitra ifandraisany: feon-kira, tonon-kira, feo voalohany, saikiny, fasiny, tonera, torebiny, beso) [1.1]
Explanations in English  10  a song; music; play [1.7]
Explanations in French  11  chant [1.3#249, 1.8]12  airs, musique vocale 13  action de s'amuser avec des objets [1.3]14  musique; jeux [1.8]
Examples  15  hira inona no nohiraintsika? [2.270]
16  Voatery naverina intelo ilay hira. [2.356]
17  Nony vita ny hira, gaga aho mbola velona ihany. [2.4]
18  Simple :
19  Prefixed :
20  Active verbs :
21  Passive verbs :
22  Relative verbs :
23  Names :
Analogs  24  kalo, kalokalo, vetso, vazo, antsa, atoa
Compound words 
Proverbs  34  Proverbs containing the word hira

Entry (2/4)35  hira
Part of speech  36  noun
Vocabulary  37  Zoology: mammals
Explanations in Malagasy  38  anaran-gidro [Bara] [1.78]
Explanations in English  39  ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) [2.233]
Explanations in French  40  maki, maki mococo, maque (Lemur catta) [2.233]
Synonyms  41  hirana
Tables and plates  42  The Lemurs

Entry (3/4)44  Hira
Part of speech  45  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  46  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  47  Lehilahy avy tany Adolama, ary sakaizan'i Joda. Izy no nampitondrain' i Joda ny zanak' osy ho an' i Tamara [1.38]
Explanations in English  48  Hirah [2.996]
Explanations in French  49  Hira [2.996]
Biblical quotes  50  Chapters and verses mentioning Hira
Tables and plates  51  Full list

Entry (4/4)52  Hi
Part of speech  53  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  54  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  55  Ira [2.996]
Explanations in French  56  Ira [2.996]
Other spellings  57  ira, ira
Biblical quotes  58  Chapters and verses mentioning Hirà
Tables and plates  59  Full list

Anagrams  60  hira, riha

Updated on 2023/06/14