| 1 cloth  |
gongoro | 2 cloth ~ the name of a kind of cloth introduced by the Arabs. |
jiafotsy | 3 cloth ~ cloth woven from raffia |
kitamby | 4 cloth ~ a piece of cloth worn wrapped around by women |
lamba | 5 cloth (a) ~ the usual outer garment worn by the people. It is generally a piece of calico, from 4 to 5 yards long cut in two, and sewn together along the length. Also cloth in general. [It is interesting to note that in Borneo, Lamba is a yellow-flowered broad-leaved weed, from the strong fibre of which a kind cloth is made: and that the Swahili Arabs trading on the west coast in jiafotsy lamba have adopted the word as ramba] ~ woven cloth; clothing |
anadonaka | 6 cloth (kind of coloured) ~ [lonaka, a palace.] The name of a coloured cloth introduced by the Arabs |
sikina | 7 cloth ~ a cloth worn around the waist |