

2Tt / 2Tan 21:1 Now Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David. And Jehoram his son reigned in his stead. Ary Josafata lasa nodi-mandry any amin' ny razany, dia nalevina tao amin' ny razany tao an-Tanànan' i Davida izy; ary Jehorama zanany no nanjaka nandimby azy. Nodimandry any amin' ny razany Josafata, dia nalevina tao amin' ny razany, ao an-tanànan' i Davida, ary Jorama zanany nanjaka nandimby azy. Josaphat se coucha avec ses pères et on l' enterra avec eux dans la Cité de David; son fils Joram régna à sa place.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:2 And he had brethren the sons of Jehoshaphat, Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah: all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel. Ary nanan-drahalahy, zanak' i Josafata, koa izy, dia Azaria sy Jehiela sy Zakaria sy Azaria sy Mikaela ary Sefatia; ireo rehetra ireo no zanak' i Josafata, mpanjakan' ny Isiraely. Nanan-drahalahy zanak' i Josafata koa Jorama, dia Azariasa, Jahiela, Zakariasa, Azariasa, Mikaela, ary Safatiasa; zanak' i Josafata mpanjakan' i Jodà avokoa ireo. Joram avait des frères, fils de Josaphat : Azarya, Yehiel, Zekaryahu, Azaryahu, Mikaèl et Shephatyahu; ce sont là tous les fils de Josaphat, roi d' Israël.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:3 And their father gave them great gifts of silver, and of gold, and of precious things, with fenced cities in Judah: but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram; because he was the firstborn. Ary nomen-drainy harena betsaka ireo, dia volafotsy sy volamena ary zava-tsoa mbamin' ny tanàna sasany mimanda tany Joda; fa ny fanjakana kosa dia nomeny an' i Jehorama, satria izy no lahimatoa. Samy nomen-drainy tolo-bohitra betsaka izy ireo, dia volamena, volafotsy, zavatra sarobidy, mbamin' ny tanàna mimanda amin' i Jodà; fa ny fanjakana kosa napetrany amin' i Jorama, fa izy no lahimatoa. Leur père leur avait fait de multiples dons en argent, en or, en joyaux et en villes fortifiées de Juda, mais il avait laissé la royauté à Joram, car c'était l' aîné.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:4 Now when Jehoram was risen up to the kingdom of his father, he strengthened himself, and slew all his brethren with the sword, and divers also of the princes of Israel. Ary raha vao nanjaka tamin' ny fanjakan' ny rainy Jehorama, dia nitombo hery izy ka namono ny rahalahiny rehetra mbamin' ny mpanapaka sasany tamin' ny Isiraely koa tamin' ny sabatra. Nanao izay hahazoany an-tànana ny fanjakan-drainy Jorama, ary rahefa niha-nahery izy, dia novonoiny tamin' ny sabatra ny rahalahiny rehetra, mbamin' ny filohany sasany tamin' Israely koa. Joram put s'établir à la tête du royaume de son père, puis, s'étant affermi, il fit passer au fil de l'épée tous ses frères, plus quelques officiers d' Israël.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:5 Jehoram was thirty and two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem. Roa amby telo-polo taona Jehorama, fony izy vao nanjaka, ary valo taona no nanjakany tany Jerosalema. Roa amby telopolo taona Jorama fony vao nanjaka, ary valo taona no nanjakany tao Jerosalema. Joram avait trente-deux ans à son avènement et il régna huit ans à Jérusalem.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:6 And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, like as did the house of Ahab: for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife: and he wrought that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord. Ary nandeha tamin' ny lalan' ny mpanjakan' ny Isiraely izy, dia tahaka ny nataon' ny taranak' i Ahaba fa zanakavavin' i Ahaba no vadiny, eny, nanao izay ratsy eo imason' i Jehovah izy. Nandeha tamin' ny làlan' ny mpanjakan' Israely izy, tahaka ny nataon' ny taranak' i Akaba, fa zanak' i Akaba no vadiny, ka nanao izay ratsy eo imason' ny Tompo. Il imita la conduite des rois d' Israël, comme avait fait la maison d' Achab, car il avait épousé une fille d' Achab; et il fit ce qui déplaît à Yahvé.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:7 Howbeit the Lord would not destroy the house of David, because of the covenant that he had made with David, and as he promised to give a light to him and to his sons for ever. Nefa Jehovah tsy nety nandringana ny taranak' i Davida noho ny fanekena nataony tamin' i Davida sy ny nilazany fa homeny jiro mandrakizay izy mbamin' ny taranany. Tsy tian' ny Tompo anefa ny handringana ny taranak' i Davida noho ny fanekena nataony tamin' i Davida sy noho ny teny nataony taminy fa hanome jiro azy mbamin' ny taranany mandrakariva. Cependant Yahvé ne voulut pas détruire la maison de David à cause de l' alliance qu' il avait conclue avec lui et selon la promesse qu' il lui avait faite de lui laisser toujours une lampe ainsi qu'à ses fils.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:8 In his days the Edomites revolted from under the dominion of Judah, and made themselves a king. Tamin' ny andron' i Jehorama no niodinan' ny Edomita ka tsy nanoa ny Joda, fa nanangana mpanjaka ho azy izy. Tamin' ny androny niodina tamin' ny fapanahan' i Jodà Edoma, ka nanangana mpanjaka ho azy. De son temps, Édom s' affranchit de la domination de Juda et se donna un roi.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:9 Then Jehoram went forth with his princes, and all his chariots with him: and he rose up by night, and smote the Edomites which compassed him in, and the captains of the chariots. Ka dia nivoaka Jehorama sy ireo mpanjaka nitondra ny kalesiny rehetra; ary nanaovany latsak' alina ny Edomita izay nanodidina azy sy ny komandin' ny kalesy. Dia niainga Jorama nomban' ireo lehibe aman-kalesiny rehetra, ka nifoha mbola alina izy dia nandresy ny Edomita nanodidina azy mbamin' ny lehiben' ny kalesy. Joram passa la frontière, et avec lui ses officiers et tous ses chars. Il se leva de nuit, et força la ligne des Édomites qui l' encerclaient, et les commandants de chars avec lui.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:10 So the Edomites revolted from under the hand of Judah unto this day. The same time also did Libnah revolt from under his hand; because he had forsaken the Lord God of his fathers. Nefa ny Edomita mbola niodina ka tsy nanoa ny Joda ihany ambaraka androany. Ary tamin' izany andro izany Libna koa niodina tsy nety nanoa an' i Jehorama, satria efa nahafoy an' i Jehovah, Andriamanitra ny razany, izy. Nitsoaka tamin' ny fanapahan' i Jodà anefa Edoma mandrak' androany. Lobnà koa nitsoaka tamin' ny fanapahany, tamin' izany fotoana izany ihany, noho izy efa nahafoy an' ny Tompo Andriamanitry ny razany. Ainsi Édom s' affranchit de la domination de Juda, jusqu'à ce jour. C' est aussi l'époque où Libna s' affranchit de sa domination. Il avait en effet abandonné Yahvé, le Dieu de ses pères.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:11 Moreover he made high places in the mountains of Judah and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication, and compelled Judah thereto. Ary nanao fitoerana avo teny an-tendrombohitr' i Joda koa izy sady nampijangajanga ny mponina tany Jerosalema ary nitaona ny Joda mangingina hanao izany. Nanao fitoerana avo tamin' ny tendrombohitr' i Jodà aza Jorama ary nitaona ny mponina tao Jerosalema hitolo-tena hanaraka andriamani-kafa ary nanambosy an' i Jodà. C' est aussi lui qui institua des hauts lieux sur les montagnes de Juda, qui fit se prostituer les habitants de Jérusalem et s'égarer les Judéens.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:12 And there came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet, saying, Thus saith the Lord God of David thy father, Because thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah, Ary nisy taratasy avy tamin' i Elia mpaminany tonga tao aminy nanao hoe: Izao no lazain' i Jehovah, Andriamanitr' i Davida rainao: Noho ny tsy nandehananao tamin' ny lalan' i Josafata rainao, na ny lalan' i Asa, mpanjakan' ny Joda, Nisy taratasy avy any amin' i Elia mpaminany, tonga tao aminy, nanao hoe: Izao no lazain' ny Tompo Andriamanitr' i Davida rainao: Noho hianao tsy nandeha tamin' ny làlan' i Asà mpanjakan' i Jodà, Un écrit du prophète Élie lui parvint alors, qui disait : " Ainsi parle Yahvé, le Dieu de ton père David. Parce que tu n' as pas suivi la conduite de Josaphat ton père, ni celle d' Asa, roi de Juda,
2Tt / 2Tan 21:13 But hast walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and hast made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a whoring, like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, and also hast slain thy brethren of thy father' s house, which were better than thyself: fa nandeha tamin' ny lalan' ny mpanjakan' ny Isiraely kosa ianao ka nampijangajanga ny Joda sy ny mponina any Jerosalema toy ny fijangajangan' ny taranak' i Ahaba, sady novonoinao koa ny rahalahinao nateraky ny rainao, izay tsara noho ianao, fa nandeha tamin' ny làlan' ny mpanjakan' Israely nitarika an' i Jodà sy ny mponina ao Jerosalema hitolo-tena amin' ny andriamani-kafa, toy ny nitarihan' ny ankohonan' i Akaba an' Israely hitolo-tena aminy, ary namono ny rahalahinao, izay tsara noho hianao, dia ny tarana-drainao, mais parce que tu as suivi la conduite des rois d' Israël et que tu es cause de la prostitution des Judéens et des habitants de Jérusalem, comme l' a été la maison d' Achab, et parce que tu as en outre assassiné tes frères, ta famille, qui étaient meilleurs que toi,
2Tt / 2Tan 21:14 Behold, with a great plague will the Lord smite thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods: dia, indro, hasian' i Jehovah areti-mandringana ny vahoakanao sy ny zanakao sy ireo vadinao mbamin' ny biby fiompinao rehetra; dia indro hokapohin' ny Tompo amin' ny aretina lehibe ny vahoakanao, mbamin' ny anananao rehetra; Yahvé va frapper d' un grand désastre ton peuple et tes fils, tes femmes et tous tes biens.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:15 And thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day. ary ianao koa ho azon' ny aretina mafy, dia aretina amin' ny tsinainao, mandra-pialàlan' ny tsinainao isan' andro isan' andro noho ny aretina. ary hianao hotsindrian' aretina mavesatra dia aretin-tsinay mafy dia mafy ka hivoaka ny tsinainao, noho ny hamafin' ny aretina, mandritra ny andro maro. Toi-même tu seras frappé de graves maladies, d' un mal d' entrailles tel que par cette maladie, jour après jour, tu te videras de tes entrailles. "
2Tt / 2Tan 21:16 Moreover the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, that were near the Ethiopians: Ary Jehovah namporisika ny Filistina sy ny Arabo izay ao akaikin' ny Etiopiana hamely an' i Jehorama; Ary nambosin' ny Tompo hamely an' i Jorama ny sain' ny Filistina mbamin' ny Arabo teo akaikin' ny Etiopiana. Yahvé excita contre Joram l' animosité des Philistins et des Arabes voisins des Kushites.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:17 And they came up into Judah, and brake into it, and carried away all the substance that was found in the king' s house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons. ary niakatra tany Joda ireo ka nisesika tao, dia nobaboiny ny fananana rehetra izay an' ny ankohonan' ny mpanjaka mbamin' ny zanany sy ny vadiny koa, ka tsy nisy zanany intsony, afa-tsy Joahaza faralahiny ihany. Ka niakatra tany Jodà ireo dia niely tany, namabo ny harena rehetra tao an-tranon' ny mpanjaka, hatramin' ireo zanany, mbamin' ireo vadiny, hany ka tsy nisy tafajanona ho azy intsony ny zanany, afa-tsy Joakaza ilay zandriny indrindra tamin' ireo zanany. Ils attaquèrent Juda, y pénétrèrent, et razzièrent tous les biens qui se trouvaient appartenir à la maison du roi, et même ses fils et ses femmes, et il ne lui resta plus d' autre fils qu' Ochozias, le plus petit d' entre eux.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:18 And after all this the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease. Ary nony afaka izany rehetra izany, dia nasian' i Jehovah aretina tsy azo sitranina tamin' ny tsinainy izy. Nanaraka izany rehetra izany indray, dia nasian' ny Tompo aretina tsy lai-panafody izy tamin' ny tsinainy. Après tout cela, Yahvé le frappa d' une maladie d' entrailles incurable;
2Tt / 2Tan 21:19 And it came to pass, that in process of time, after the end of two years, his bowels fell out by reason of his sickness: so he died of sore diseases. And his people made no burning for him, like the burning of his fathers. Ary rehefa ela, nony afaka roa taona, dia nialàla ny tsinainy azon' ny aretiny; ka dia maty tamin' ny fangirifiriana mafy izy. Ary ny vahoakany tsy mba nandoro zavatra ho fisaonana azy toy ny nataony tamin' ny razany. Nifandimby ny andro ka tamin' ny faran' ny taona faharoa, nivoaka ny tsinain' i Jorama noho ny hamafin' ny aretina, dia maty tamim-pangirifiriana mafy izy, ary tsy mba nandoroan' ny vahoakany zava-manitra ho fanajana azy, toy ny nandoroany an' izany ho an' ny razany. cela arriva jour après jour, et vers la fin de la deuxième année, il se vida de ses entrailles et mourut dans de cruelles souffrances. Le peuple ne lui fit pas de feux comme il en avait fait pour ses pères.
2Tt / 2Tan 21:20 Thirty and two years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years, and departed without being desired. Howbeit they buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the kings. Roa amby telo-polo taona izy, fony vao nanjaka, ary valo taona no nanjakany tany Jerosalema; koa lasa tsy nisy nalahelo azy izy. Ary nalevina tao an-Tanànan' i Davida ihany izy, nefa tsy mba tao amin' ny fasan' ny mpanjaka. Efa roa amby telopolo taona Jorama fony vao nanjaka, ary valo taona no nanjakany tao Jerosalema. Lasa tsy nisy mpalahelo izy, ary nalevina tao an-tanànan' i Davida fa tsy mba tao amin' ny fasan' ny mpanjaka. Il avait trente-deux ans à son avènement et régna huit ans à Jérusalem. Il s' en alla sans laisser de regrets et on l' enterra dans la Cité de David, mais non dans les sépultures royales.
