
Chapters and verses mentioning Rebla

  Numbers Fanisana na Nomery Fanisana Les Nombres
Nom / Fan 34.11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward: dia hidina hatrany Sefama ka hatrany Ribla any atsinanan' i Aina, dia mbola hidina ihany koa ka hipaka amin' ny Ranomasin' i Kinereta atsinanana, ary ny faritra dia midina avy eo Sefama mankany Reblà, atsinanan' i Aïna; dia mbola midina mitohy manaraka ny havoana eo an-tsisin' ny ranomasina Kenereta any atsinanana, La frontière descendra de Shepham vers Harbel, à l' orient de Ayîn. Descendant encore elle touchera la rive orientale de la mer de Kinnérèt.

  2nd Book of Kings 2 Mpanjaka Mpanjaka II 2ème Livre des Rois
2Mp 23.33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to a tribute of an hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold. Ary nafatotr' i Farao-neko tao Ribla any amin' ny tany Hamata izy, mba tsy hanjakany any Jerosalema, sady nampandoaviny sazy talenta volafotsy zato sy talenta volamena iray ny fanjakana. Nogadran' i Faraona Nekao tany Reblà amin' ny tany Emata izy, mba tsy hanjakany any Jerosalema intsony, ary nampandoaviny hetra talenta volafotsy zato, sy talenta volamena iray ny tany. Le Pharaon Neko le mit aux chaînes à Ribla, dans le territoire de Hamat, pour qu' il ne règne plus à Jérusalem, et il imposa au pays une contribution de cent talents d' argent et de talents d' or.
2Mp 25.6 So they took the king, and brought him up to the king of Babylon to Riblah; and they gave judgment upon him. Ary voasambotra ny mpanjaka ka nentina niakatra ho any amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla, ka dia notsaraina tao izy. Nony voasambotr' izy ireo ny mpanjaka dia nentiny niakatra ho any Rebla, amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona, ka namoaka teny fitsarana momba azy izy ireo. Les Chaldéens s' emparèrent du roi et le menèrent à Ribla auprès du roi de Babylone, qui le fit passer en jugement.
2Mp 25.20 And Nebuzaradan captain of the guard took these, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah: dia nosamborin' i Nebozaradana, lehiben' ny mpiambina, ireo ka nentiny ho any amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla. Nony azon' i Nabozardana kapitenin' ny mpiambina ireo, dia nentiny ho any amin' ny manjakan' i Babilona tany Rebla. Nebuzaradân, commandant de la garde, les prit et les mena auprès du roi de Babylone à Ribla,
2Mp 25.21 And the king of Babylon smote them, and slew them at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So Judah was carried away out of their land. Dia novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla any amin' ny tany Hamata ireo. Toy izany no nitondrana ny Joda ho babo niala tamin' ny taniny. Ka novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona nataony maty tany Rebla any amin' ny tany Emata Toy izany no nitondrana an' i Joda ho babo lavitry ny taniny. et le roi de Babylone les fit mettre à mort à Ribla, au pays de Hamat. Ainsi Juda fut déporté loin de sa terre.

  Book of Jeremiah Jeremia Jeremia Livre de Jérémie
Jer / Jr 39.5 But the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gave judgment upon him. Fa ny miaramilan' ny Kaldeana nanenjika azy ka nahatratra an' i Zedekia teny amin' ny tani-hay any Jeriko; ary nony azony izy, dia nentiny niakatra ho any amin' i Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan' i Babylona, tao Ribla tao amin' ny tany Hamata; ka dia notsarainy tao izy. Nenjehin' ny tafiky ny Kaldeana anefa izy ireo, ary tratrany teo amin' ny tany lemak' i Jerikao Sedesiasa. Dia noraisin' izy ireo izy ka nentiny niakatra ho any amin' i Nabokodonozora, mpanjakan' i Babilona, tao Rebla, amin' ny tanin' i Emata, ka namoaka teny fitsarana momba azy izy. Mais les troupes chaldéennes les poursuivirent et atteignirent Sédécias dans les plaines de Jéricho. L' ayant fait prisonnier, on l' emmena à Ribla, au pays de Hamat, auprès de Nabuchodonosor, roi de Babylone, qui le fit passer en jugement.
Jer / Jr 39.6 Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes: also the king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah. Ary ny zanakalahin' i Zedekia dia novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla teo imason-drainy; ary ny manan-kaja rehetra tamin' ny Joda koa dia novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona. Ireo zanakalahin' i Sedesiasa novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona teo imasony, tao Rebla; ny lehibe rehetra tamin' i Jodà, novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona koa. Le roi de Babylone fit égorger à Ribla les fils de Sédécias sous ses yeux. De même, le roi de Babylone fit égorger tous les notables de Juda.
Jer / Jr 52.9 Then they took the king, and carried him up unto the king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; where he gave judgment upon him. Ary voasambotra ny mpanjaka ka nentiny niakatra ho any amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla any amin' ny tany Hamata, ka dia notsaraina tao izy. Nosamboriny ny mpanjaka, dia nentina niakatra any amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona, tao Rebla, amin' ny tanin' i Hemata, dia namoaka teny fitsarana momba azy izy. On fit prisonnier le roi qu' on emmena à Ribla, au pays de Hamat, auprès du roi de Babylone qui le fit passer en jugement.
Jer / Jr 52.10 And the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes: he slew also all the princes of Judah in Riblah. Ary ny mpanjakan' i Babylona namono ny zanakalahin' i Zedekia teo imason-drainy; ary ny mpanapaka ny Joda rehetra koa dia novonoiny tao Ribla. Novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona teo imason-drainy ireo zanakalahin' i Sedesiasa; novonoina tao Rebla koa ny mpanapaka rehetra tamin' i Jodà. Il égorgea les fils de Sédécias sous ses yeux; de même tous les princes de Juda, il les égorgea à Ribla.
Jer / Jr 52.26 So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah. dia nosamborin' i Nebozaradana, lehiben' ny mpiambina, ireo ka nentiny ho any amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla. Nosamborin' i Nabozardana kapitenin' ny mpiambina ireo, dia nentiny ho any amin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona, any Rebla. Nebuzaradân, commandant de la garde, les prit et les mena auprès du roi de Babylone, à Ribla,
Jer / Jr 52.27 And the king of Babylon smote them, and put them to death in Riblah in the land of Hamath. Thus Judah was carried away captive out of his own land. Dia novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babylona tao Ribla any amin' ny tany Hamata ireo. Toy izany no nitondrana ny Joda ho babo niala tamin' ny taniny. Novonoin' ny mpanjakan' i Babilona ireo, sy nataony maty tao Rebla, amin' ny tanin' ny Emata. Toy izany no nitondrana an' i Jodà ho babo, lavitry ny taniny. et le roi de Babylone les fit mettre à mort à Ribla, au pays de Hamat. Ainsi Juda fut-il déporté loin de sa terre.