
Chapters and verses mentioning Saloma

  2nd Book of Kings 2 Mpanjaka Mpanjaka II 2ème Livre des Rois
2Mp 15.10 And Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired against him, and smote him before the people, and slew him, and reigned in his stead. Ary Saloma, zanak' i Jabesy, nikomy taminy, dia namely azy teo anatrehan' ny olona ka nahafaty azy ary nanjaka nandimby azy. Nikomy taminy Seloma zanak' i Jabesa ary namely nahafaty azy teo anatrehan' ny vahoaka, dia nanjaka nandimby azy izy. Shallum fils de Yabesh fit une conspiration contre lui, il le frappa à mort à Yibleam et devint roi à sa place.
2Mp 15.13 Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned a full month in Samaria. Ary Saloma, zanak' i Jabesy, dia vao nanjaka tamin' ny taona fahasivy amby telo-polo nanjakan' i Ozia, mpanjakan' ny Joda; ary nanjaka andro iray volana tany Samaria izy. Tamin' ny taona fahasivy amby telopolo nanjakan' i Oziasa mpanjakan' i Jodà no vao tonga mpanjaka kosa Seloma zanak' i Jabesa, ary iray volana no nanjakany tao Samaria. Shallum fils de Yabesh devint roi en la trente-neuvième année d' Ozias, roi de Juda, et régna un mois à Samarie.
2Mp 15.14 For Menahem the son of Gadi went up from Tirzah, and came to Samaria, and smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Samaria, and slew him, and reigned in his stead. Fa Menahema, zanak' i Gady, niakatra avy tany Tirza ka nankany Samaria, dia namely an' i Saloma, zanak' i Jabesy, tany Samaria ka nahafaty azy ary nanjaka nandimby azy. Fa niakatra avy any Tersà, i Manahema zanak' i Gadì, ary nony tonga tao Samaria dia namely nahafaty an' i Seloma zanak' i Jabesa tao Samaria ihany izy, ka nanjaka nandimby azy. Menahem fils de Gadi monta de Tirça, entra à Samarie, y frappa à mort Shallum fils de Yabesh et devint roi à sa place.
2Mp 15.15 And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel. Ary ny tantaran' i Saloma sisa mbamin' ny nikomiany, indro fa efa voasoratra ao amin' ny bokin' ny tantaran' ny mpanjakan' ny Isiraely izany. Ny sisa tamin' ny asan' i Seloma mbamin' ny fikomiana nataony, dia indro fa voasoratra ao amin' ny bokin' ny Tantaran' ny mpanjakan' Israely. Le reste de l' histoire de Shallum et le complot qu' il trama, cela est écrit au livre des Annales des rois d' Israël.
2Mp 22.14 So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asahiah, went unto Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college;) and they communed with her. Dia nandeha Hilkia mpisorona sy Ahikama sy Akbora sy Safana ary Asaia ka nankany amin' i Holda mpaminanivavy, vadin' i Saloma, zanak' i Tikva, zanak' i Harasa, mpitahiry ny fitafiana (fa nitoetra tao amin' ny tanàna ambany tany Jerosalema ravehivavy); dia niresaka taminy izy ireo. Dia nandeha Helkiasa mpisorona, Ahikama, Akobora, Safàna, ary Asaiasa nankany amin' i Holda mpaminany vavy vadin' i Seloma, zanak' i Tekoa, zanak' i Araasa mpitahiry ny fitafiana; tao Jerosalema amin' ny faritry ny tanàna faharoa izy no mipetraka. Nony efa niteny taminy izy ireo, Le prêtre Hilqiyyahu, Ahiqam, Akbor, Shaphân et Asaya se rendirent auprès de la prophétesse Hulda, femme de Shallum fils de Tiqva fils de Harhas, le gardien des vêtements; elle habitait à Jérusalem dans la ville neuve. Ils lui exposèrent la chose

  1st Book of Chronicles 1 Tantara Tantara I 1er Livre des Chroniques
1Tt / 1Tan 2.40 And Eleasah begat Sisamai, and Sisamai begat Shallum, ary Elasa niteraka an' i Sismay; ary Sismay niteraka an' i Saloma; Elasa niteraka an' i Sisamoia, Sisamoia niteraka an' i Seloma, Éléasa engendra Sismaï, Sismaï engendra Shallum,
1Tt / 1Tan 2.41 And Shallum begat Jekamiah, and Jekamiah begat Elishama. ary Saloma niteraka an' i Jekamia; ary Jekamia niteraka an' i Elisama. Seloma niteraka an' Ikamiasa ary Ikamiasa niteraka an' i Elisamà. Shallum engendra Yeqamya, Yeqamya engendra Élishama.
1Tt / 1Tan 3.15 And the sons of Josiah were, the firstborn Johanan, the second Jehoiakim, the third Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum. Ary izao no zanakalahin' i Josia: Johanana, lahimatoa, Joiakima, lahiaivo, Zedekia, fahatelo, Saloma, faralahy. Zanakalahin' i Josiasa: Johanàna no lahimatoa, Joakima no lahiaivo, Sedesiasa no fahatelo, Seloma no fahefatra. Fils de Josias : Yohanân l' aîné, Joiaqim le deuxième, Sédécias le troisième, Shallum le quatrième.
1Tt / 1Tan 4.24 The sons of Simeon were, Nemuel, and Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, and Shaul: Ny zanakalahin' i Simeona dia Nemoela sy Jamina sy Jariba sy Zera ary Saoly, Zanakalahin' i Simeona: Namoela, Jamina, Jariba, Zarà, Saola, Seloma zanany, Fils de Siméon : Nemuel, Yamîn, Yarib, Zérah, Shaûl.
1Tt / 1Tan 4.25 Shallum his son, Mibsam his son, Mishma his son. dia Saloma no zanakalahin' i Saoly, Mibsama no zanakalahin' i Saloma, Misma no zanakalahin' i Mibsama. Mapsama zanany, Masmà zanany. Son fils Shallum, son fils Mibsam, son fils Mishma.
1Tt / 1Tan 5.38 ary Ahitoba niteraka an' i Zadoka; ary Zadoka niteraka an' i Saloma; Akitoba niteraka an' i Sadaoka, Sadaoka niteraka an' i Seloma, Ahitub engendra Sadoq, Sadoq engendra Shallum,
1Tt / 1Tan 5.39 ary Saloma niteraka an' i Hilkia; ary Hilkia niteraka an' i Azaria; Seloma niteraka an' i Helkiasa, Helkiasa niteraka an' i Azariasa, Shallum engendra Hil-qiyya, Hilqiyya engendra Azarya,
1Tt / 1Tan 7.13 The sons of Naphtali; Jahziel, and Guni, and Jezer, and Shallum, the sons of Bilhah. Ny zanakalahin' i Naftaly dia Jaziela sy Gony sy Jezera sy Saloma, samy zanakalahin' i Bila ireo. Zanakalahin' i Neftalì: Jasiela, Gonia, Jesera ary Seloma, zanakalahin' i Bala. Fils de Nephtali : Yahaçiel, Guni, Yéçer, Shallum. Ils étaient fils de Bilha.
1Tt / 1Tan 9.17 And the porters were, Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman, and their brethren: Shallum was the chief; Ary ny mpiandry varavarana dia Saloma sy Akoba sy Talmona sy Ahimana ary ny rahalahiny; fa Saloma no lohany; Ary ny mpiandry varavarana: Seloma, Akoba, Telmona, Ahimàna, mbamin' ny rahalahin' ireo; Seloma no lehibe, Les portiers : Shallum, Aqqub, Talmôn, Ahimân et leurs frères. Shallum, le chef,
1Tt / 1Tan 9.19 And Shallum the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his brethren, of the house of his father, the Korahites, were over the work of the service, keepers of the gates of the tabernacle: and their fathers, being over the host of the Lord, were keepers of the entry. Ary Saloma, zanak' i Kore, zanak' i Abiasafa, zanak' i Kora, sy ny Koraita rahalahiny araka ny fianakaviany avy no mpanao ny fanompoana amin' ny fiandrasana ny varavaran' ny lay; ary ny razany koa dia mpiambina ny vavahady tao amin' ny tobin' i Jehovah. Seloma zanak' i Kore, zanak' i Abiasafa, zanak' i Kore, mbamin' ny Koreita rahalahiny amin' ny fianakavian-drainy, no nanao ny raharahan' ny mpiandry ny varavaran' ny tabernakla; ny razan' izy ireo no efa niandry ny vavahadin' ny tobin' ny Tompo. Shallum, fils de Qoré, fils d'Ébyasaph, fils de Coré, et ses frères les Coréites, de la même famille, vaquaient au service liturgique; ils gardaient les seuils de la Tente, et leurs pères, responsables du camp de Yahvé, en avaient gardé l' accès.
1Tt / 1Tan 9.31 And Mattithiah, one of the Levites, who was the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, had the set office over the things that were made in the pans. Ary Matatia, anankiray tamin' ny Levita, lahimatoan' i Saloma Koraita, no tonian' ny zavatra izay natao tamin' ny fanendasana. Ny anankiray amin' ny Levita, dia Matatiasa lahimatoan' i Seloma, Koreita, no tonian' ny mofomamy nendasina tamin' ny lapoaly. L' un des lévites, Mattitya - c'était le premier-né de Shallum le Coréite -, fut, à cause de sa fidélité, chargé de la confection des offrandes cuites à la plaque.

  2nd Book of Chronicles 2 Tantara Tantara II 2ème Livre des Chroniques
2Tt / 2Tan 28.12 Then certain of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against them that came from the war, Dia nitsangana ny loholona sasany avy amin' ny taranak' i Efraima, dia Azaria, zanak' i Johanana, sy Berekia, zanak' i Mesilemota, sy Jehizkia, zanak' i Saloma, ary Amasa, zanak' i Hadlay, ka nanohitra izay vao avy tany an-tafika Dia nitsangana ny lehibe sasany amin' ny taranak' i Efraima, Azariasa zanak' i Johanàna, Barakiasa zanak' i Mosolamota, Ezekiasa zanak' i Seloma, ary Amasà zanak' i Adalì, ka nanohitra an' ireo avy any an-tafika, Certains des chefs éphraïmites, Azaryahu fils de Yehohanân, Bérékyahu fils de Meshillemot, Yehizqiyyahu fils de Shallum, Amasa fils de Hadlaï, s'élevèrent alors contre ceux qui revenaient de l' expédition.
2Tt / 2Tan 34.22 And Hilkiah, and they that the king had appointed, went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvath, the son of Hasrah, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college:) and they spake to her to that effect. Ary Hilkia sy izay notendren' ny mpanjaka dia nankany amin' i Holda mpaminanivavy, vadin' i Saloma, zanak' i Tokehata, zanak' i Hasra, mpitahiry ny fitafiana (fa nitoetra tany Jerosalema tao amin' ny tanàna ambany ravehivavy) ary niresaka izany taminy izy ireo. Dia lasa Helkiasa mbamin' ireo voatendrin' ny mpanjaka, nankany amin' i Holdà mpaminany vavy, vadin' i Seloma, zanak' i Tekoata, zanak' i Hasrà, mpitahiry ny fitafiana. Tao Jerosalema amin' ny faritany faharoa ravehivavy no nitoetra. Nony voalazan' izy ireo taminy ny nanirahana azy, dia izao no nalazany azy ireo: Hilqiyyahu et les gens du roi se rendirent auprès de la prophétesse Hulda, femme de Shallum, fils de Toqhat, fils de Hasra, la gardien des vêtements; elle habitait à Jérusalem dans la ville neuve. Ils lui parlèrent en ce sens

  Book of Ezra Ezra Esdrasa Livre d'Esdras
Ezr / Esd 2.42 The children of the porters: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, in all an hundred thirty and nine. Ary ny taranaky ny mpiandry varavarana koa dia izao: Ny taranak' i Saloma, ny taranak' i Atera, ny taranak' i Talmona, ny taranak' i Akoba, ny taranak' i Hatita, ny taranak' i Sobay, dia sivy amby telo-polo amby zato izy rehetra. Taranaky ny mpiandry varavarana: sivy amby telopolo amby zato no tontalin' ny taranak' i Seloma, ny taranak' i Atera, ny taranak' i Telmona, ny taranak' i Akoba, ny taranak' i Hatita, ny taranak' i Sobaì. Les fils des portiers : les fils de Shallum, les fils d' Ater, les fils de Talmôn, les fils de Aqqub, les fils de Hatita, les fils de Shobaï : en tout 139.
Ezr / Esd 7.2 The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub, zanak' i Saloma, zanak' i Zadoka, zanak' i Ahitoba, zanak' i Seloma, zanak' i Sadaoka, zanak' i Akitoba, fils de Shallum, fils de Sadoq, fils d' Ahitub,
Ezr / Esd 10.24 Of the singers also; Eliashib: and of the porters; Shallum, and Telem, and Uri. ary ny avy tamin' ny mpihira dia Eliasiba; ary ny avy tamin' ny mpiandry varavarana dia Saloma sy Talema ary Ory. Tamin' ny mpiandry varavarana: Seloma, Telema ary Orì. Parmi les chantres : Elyashib et Zakkur. Parmi les portiers : Shallum, Télem et Uri.
Ezr / Esd 10.42 Shallum, Amariah, and Joseph. sy Saloma sy Amaria ary Josefa; Seloma, Amariasa, Josefa; Shallum, Amarya, Yoseph;

  Book of Nehemiah Nehemia Nehemia Livre de Néhémie
Neh / Ne 3.12 And next unto him repaired Shallum the son of Halohesh, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem, he and his daughters. Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Saloma, zanak' i Halohesy, komandin' ny antsasaky ny fehin' i Jerosalema, dia izy sy ny zananivavy. Teo anilany dia Seloma zanak' i Alohesa, lehiben' ny antsasaky ny faritanin' i Jerosalema, no nanamboatra niaraka tamin' ny zanany vavy. A leur suite répara Shallum, fils de Hallohesh, chef de la moitié du district de Jérusalem, lui et ses fils.
Neh / Ne 3.15 But the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun the son of Colhozeh, the ruler of part of Mizpah; he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof, and the wall of the pool of Siloah by the king' s garden, and unto the stairs that go down from the city of David. Ary ny vavahadin-doharano dia namboarin' i Saloma, zanak' i Kola-hoze, komandin' ny fehin' i Mizpa; izy no nandrafitra sy nanafo izany ary nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin' ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny, ary narafiny koa ny mandan' ny farihy Siloa, teo anilan' ny sahan' ny mpanjaka, ka hatramin' ny ambaratonga midina avy any an-Tanànan' i Davida. Seloma zanak' i Kolkozà, lehiben' ny faritanin' i Masfà, no nanamboatra ny vavahadin' ny Loharano; narafiny sy notafoany izy, dia nalatsany ny lela vavahady, mbamin' ny karetsaka sy ny barany; fanampin' izany koa nanao ny mandan' ny farihin' i Siloa, anilan' ny zaridainan' ny Mpanjaka izy, hatreo amin' ny ambaratonga midina avy any an-tanànan' i Davida. Quant à la porte de la Fontaine, Shallum, fils de Kol-Hozé, chef du district de Miçpa, la répara : il la construisit, la couvrit, fixa ses battants, verrous et barres. Il refit aussi le mur de la citerne de Siloé, jouxtant le jardin du roi, jusqu' aux escaliers qui descendent de la Cité de David.
Neh / Ne 7.45 The porters: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, an hundred thirty and eight. Ary ny mpiandry varavarana koa dia izao: Ny taranak' i Saloma, ny taranak' i Atera, ny taranak' i Talmona, ny taranak' i Akoba, ny taranak' i Hatita, ny taranak' i Sobay, dia valo amby telo-polo amby zato. Mpiandry varavarana: valo amby telopolo amby zato, ny taranak' i Seloma, ny taranak' i Atera, ny taranak' i Telmona, ny taranak' i Akoba, ny taranak' i Hatita, ny taranak' i Sobaì. Les portiers : les fils de Shallum, les fils d' Ater, les fils de Talmôn, les fils de Aqqub, les fils de Hatita, les fils de Shobaï : 138.
Neh / Ne 11.7 And these are the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jesaiah. Ary izao no taranak' i Benjamina: Salo, zanak' i Mesolama, zanak' i Joeda, zanak' i Pedaia, zanak' i Kolaia, zanak' i Mahaseia, zanak' Itiela,zanak' i Jesaia; Ary izao no taranak' i Benjamina: Seloma, zanak' i Mosolama, zanak' i Joeda, zanak' i Fadaiasa, zanak' i Kolaiasa, zanak' i Maasiasa, zanak' i Eteela, zanak' i Isaia; Voici les fils de Benjamin : Sallu, fils de Meshullam, fils de Yoèd, fils de Pedaya, fils de Qolaya, fils de Maaséya, fils d' Itiel, fils de Yeshaya,
Neh / Ne 12.7 Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah. These were the chief of the priests and of their brethren in the days of Jeshua. Salo, Amoka, Hilkia ary Jedaia. Ireo no lohan' ny mpisorona sy ny rahalahiny tamin' ny andron' i Jesoa. Seloma, Amòka, Helkiasa, Idaiasa. Ireo no lehiben' ny mpisorona mbamin' ireo rahalahiny, tamin' ny andron' i Josoe. Sallu, Amoq, Hilqiyya, Yedaya. Tels étaient les chefs des prêtres, et leurs frères, au temps de Josué,

  Book of Jeremiah Jeremia Jeremia Livre de Jérémie
Jer / Jr 22.11 For thus saith the Lord touching Shallum the son of Josiah king of Judah, which reigned instead of Josiah his father, which went forth out of this place; He shall not return thither any more: Fa izao no lazain' i Jehovah ny amin' i Saloma, zanak' i Josia, mpanjakan' ny Joda, dia ilay nanjaka nandimby an' i Josia rainy, saingy efa niala tamin' ity tany ity: Tsy hiverina atý intsony izy, Fa izao no lazain' ny Tompo: Ny amin' i Seloma, zanak' i Josiasa, mpanjakan' i Jodà, izay nanjaka nisolo toerana an' i Josiasa rainy, sy efa niala tamin' ity fitoerana ity: Tsy hiverina aty intsony izy, Car ainsi a parlé Yahvé au sujet de Shallum, fils de Josias, roi de Juda, qui régna à la place de son père Josias et dut quitter ce lieu : il n' y reviendra plus,
Jer / Jr 32.7 Behold, Hanameel the son of Shallum thine uncle shall come unto thee saying, Buy thee my field that is in Anathoth: for the right of redemption is thine to buy it. Indro Hanamela, zanak' i Saloma, rahalahin-drainao, ho avy eto aminao hanao hoe: Vidionao ny sahako izay ao Anatota, fa ianao no havana akaiky tokony hanavotra azy. Indro ho avy atý aminao Hananeela zanak' i Seloma rahalahin-drainao, hanao hoe: Vidio ny sahako ao Anatota, fa manana ny rariny hanavotanao azy hianao, ka azonao vidina. Voici, Hanaméel, fils de ton oncle Shallum, va venir te trouver pour te dire : "Achète mon champ d' Anatot car tu as droit de rachat pour l' acquérir."
Jer / Jr 35.4 And I brought them into the house of the Lord, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the son of Igdaliah, a man of God, which was by the chamber of the princes, which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of the door: ka nampidiriko ho ao amin' ny tranon' i Jehovah izy, dia tao amin' ny efi-tranon' ny taranak' i Hanana zanak' i Jigdalia, lehilahin' Andriamanitra, izay ao anilan' ny efi-tranon' ny mpanapaka, ao ambonin' ny efi-tranon' i Mahaseia, zanak' i Saloma, mpiandry varavarana. ka nampidiriko tao an-tranon' ny Tompo, tamin' ny efi-tranon' i Hanana, zanak' i Jegdeliasa, olon' Andriamanitra, anilan' ny efitranon' ireo loholona sy ao ambonin' ny efitranon' i Maasiasa, zanak' i Seloma mpiandry varavarana. je les amenai au Temple de Yahvé, dans la salle de Ben-Yohanân, fils de Yigdalyahu, homme de Dieu, celle qui est contiguè à la salle des princes, au-dessus de celle de Maaséya, fils de Shallum, gardien du seuil;