
Chapters and verses mentioning Sisarà

  Judges Mpitsara Mpitsara Livre des Juges
Mts / Mpits 4.2 And the Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, that reigned in Hazor; the captain of whose host was Sisera, which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles. Ary Jehovah nivarotra azy ho eo an-tànan' i Jabina, mpanjakan' i Kanana, izay nanjaka tany Hazora, ary Sisera, izay nonina tany Harosetan' ny Jentilisa, no komandin' ny miaramilany. ka namidin' ny Tompo teo an-tànan' i Jabìna mpanjakan' i Kanaana, izay nanjaka tao Asora. Sisarà no lehiben' ny foloalindahy, ary tao Haroseta-Goïma izy no nitoetra. et Yahvé les livra à Yabîn, roi de Canaan, qui régnait à Haçor. Le chef de son armée était Sisera, qui habitait à Haroshèt-ha-Goyim.
Mts / Mpits 4.7 And I will draw unto thee to the river Kishon Sisera, the captain of Jabin' s army, with his chariots and his multitude; and I will deliver him into thine hand. Dia ho entiko ho eo aminao, eo amoron' ny ony Kisona, Sisera, komandin' ny miaramilan' i Jabina, mbamin' ny kalesiny sy ny vahoakany maro be; dia hanolotra azy eo an-tananao Aho. fa hoentiko ho ao aminao ao amin' ny ranon-driaka Sisaona Sisarà, lehiben' ny foloalindahin' i Jabìna, mbamin' ny kalesiny sy ny antoko-miaramilany ka hatolotro eo an-tànanao. J' attirerai vers toi au torrent du Qishôn Sisera, le chef de l' armée de Yabîn, avec ses chars et ses troupes, et je le livrerai entre tes mains" ? "
Mts / Mpits 4.9 And she said, I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh. Ary hoy kosa izy: handeha hiaraka aminao ihany aho; kanefa tsy ho voninahitrao izao halehanao izao, satria ho eo an-tanam-behivavy no hivarotan' i Jehovah an' i Sisera. Dia niainga Debora ka nandeha niaraka tamin' i Baraka hankany Kadesy Ka hoy ny navaliny: Eny àry, handeha hiaraka aminao aho; fa tsy ho anao ny voninahitra amin' izao fanafihana halehanao izao, satria ho eo an-tànam-behivavy no hanoloran' ny Tompo an' i Sisarà. Dia niainga Deborà, ka lasa niaraka tamin' i Baràka nankany Kedesy. " J' irai donc avec toi, lui dit-elle; seulement, dans la voie où tu marches, l' honneur ne sera pas pour toi, car c' est entre les mains d' une femme que Yahvé livrera Sisera. " Alors Débora se leva et, avec Baraq, elle se rendit à Qédesh.
Mts / Mpits 4.12 And they shewed Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor. Ary nisy nilaza tamin' i Sisera fa Baraka, zanak' i Abinoama, niakatra any an-tendrombohitra Tabara. Nilazana Sisarà, fa niainga Baràka zanak' i Abinoema nankany amin' ny tendrombohitra Tabora, On annonça à Sisera que Baraq, fils d' Abinoam, était monté sur le mont Tabor.
Mts / Mpits 4.13 And Sisera gathered together all his chariots, even nine hundred chariots of iron, and all the people that were with him, from Harosheth of the Gentiles unto the river of Kishon. Dia nangonin' i Sisera ny kalesiny rehetra, dia kalesy vy sivin-jato, sy ny vahoaka rehetra izay niaraka taminy avy tany Harosetan' ny Jentilisa, hankany amin' ny ony Kisona. ka nasainy nentina avy tany Haroseta-Goïma avokoa ny kalesiny vy sivin-jato mbamin' ny vahoaka rehetra izay tao aminy, ho ao amin' ny ranon-driaka Sisaona. Sisera convoqua tous ses chars, neuf cents chars de fer, et toutes les troupes qu' il avait, de Haroshèt-ha-Goyim au torrent du Qishôn.
Mts / Mpits 4.14 And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this is the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine hand: is not the Lord gone out before thee? So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him. Ary hoy Debora tamin' i Baraka: Miakara, fa anio no andro hanoloran' i Jehovah an' i Sisera eo an-tananao; tsy mivoaka eo anoloanao va Jehovah? Dia nidina Baraka sy ny olona iray alina nanaraka azy, avy tany an-tendrombohitra Tabara. Tamin' izay dia hoy Deborà tamin' i Baràka: Mitsangàna, fa anio no andro nanoloran' ny Tompo an' i Sisarà ho eo an-tànanao. Moa tsy nivoaka teo alohanao va Iaveh? Koa nidina avy any an-tendrombohitra Tabora, Baràka, ary lehilahy iray alina no nanaraka azy. Débora dit à Baraq : " Lève-toi, car voici le jour où Yahvé a livré Sisera entre tes mains. Oui! Yahvé ne marche-t-il pas devant toi ? " Et Baraq descendit du mont Tabor avec dix mille hommes derrière lui.
Mts / Mpits 4.15 And the Lord discomfited Sisera, and all his chariots, and all his host, with the edge of the sword before Barak; so that Sisera lighted down off his chariot, and fled away on his feet. Dia nampifanaritahin' i Jehovah tamin' ny lelan-tsabatra Sisera teo anoloan' i Baraka sy ny kalesy rehetra ary ny miaramila rehetra; dia nidina niala tamin' ny kalesy Sisera ka nandositra nandeha tongotra. Ary Sisarà mbamin' ny kalesiny rehetra sy ny tafiny rehetra dia nampifanaritahan' ny Tompo tamin' ny lelan-tsabatra teo anoloan' i Baràka, ka nidina niala tamin' ny kalesiny Sisarà, dia nandeha an-tongotra nandositra. Yahvé frappa de panique Sisera, tous ses chars et toute son armée devant Baraq. Sisera, descendant de son char, s' enfuit à pied.
Mts / Mpits 4.16 But Barak pursued after the chariots, and after the host, unto Harosheth of the Gentiles: and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the sword; and there was not a man left. Ary Baraka nanenjika nanaraka ny kalesy sy ny miaramila hatrany Haroseta; dia lavon' ny lelan-tsabatra avokoa ny miaramilan' i Sisera rehetra; tsy nisy niangana na dia iray akory aza. Nenjehin' i Baràka hatrany Haroseta-Goïma, ny kalesin' ny tafika ka lavony tamin' ny lelan-tsabatra avokoa ny tafik' i Sisarà rehetra, fa tsy nisy niangana na dia lehilahy iray aza. Baraq poursuivit les chars et l' armée jusqu'à Haroshèt-ha-Goyim. Toute l' armée de Sisera tomba sous le tranchant de l'épée et pas un homme n'échappa.
Mts / Mpits 4.17 Howbeit Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite: for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite. Ary Sisera nandositra nandeha tongotra ho any amin' ny lain' i Jaela, vadin' i Hebera Kenita; fa nihavana Jabina, mpanjakan' i Hazora, sy ny mpianakavin' i Hebera Kenita. Sisarà dia nandositra an-tongotra ho ao amin' ny lain' i Jahela vadin' i Hebera Kineana; fa nihavana Jabìna mpanjakan' i Asora sy ny fianakavian' i Hebera Kineana. Sisera cependant s' enfuyait à pied dans la direction de la tente de Yaèl, femme de Héber le Qénite, car la paix régnait entre Yabîn, roi de Haçor, et la maison de Héber le Qénite.
Mts / Mpits 4.18 And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear not. And when he had turned in unto her into the tent, she covered him with a mantle. Dia nivoaka Jaela hitsena an' i Sisera ka nanao taminy hoe: Miakara, tompokolahy, miakara atý amiko; aza matahotra. Ary rehefa niakatra ho ao aminy ao an-day izy, dia norakofany ny lamba firakotra. Nivoaka Jahela hitsena an' i Sisarà ka nanao taminy hoe: Mandrosoa, tompoko, mandrosoa aty amiko fa aza matahotra. Dia nandroso aminy tao an-day izy, ka nafeniny tao ambany firakofana. Yaèl, sortant au-devant de Sisera, lui dit : " Arrête-toi, Monseigneur, arrête-toi chez moi. Ne crains rien! " Il s' arrêta chez elle sous la tente et elle le recouvrit d' un tapis.
Mts / Mpits 4.19 And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water to drink; for I am thirsty. And she opened a bottle of milk, and gave him drink, and covered him. Ary hoy Sisera taminy: Masìna ianao, omeo rano kely hosotroiko, fa mangetaheta aho izany. Dia nanokatra ny siny hoditra nisy ronono izy ka nomeny hosotroiny; ary dia norakofany indray izy. Ary hoy izy taminy: Raha sitrakao mba omeo rano kely aho hosotroiko, fa mangetaheta. Dia nosokafany ny siny hoditra fasian-dronono ka nomeny azy hisotroany dia norakofany izy. Il lui dit : " Donne-moi à boire un peu d' eau, je te prie, car j' ai soif. " Elle ouvrit l' outre où était le lait, le fit boire et le recouvrit de nouveau.
Mts / Mpits 4.21 Then Jael Heber' s wife took a nail of the tent, and took an hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died. Dia naka tsima-day Jaela, vadin' i Hebera, sady nitondra tantanana teny an-tànany ka nitsaitsaika nankeo aminy; dia natsatony tamin' ny fihirifany ny tsima-day, ka nihatra tamin' ny tany fa efa renoky ny torimaso Sisera, satria sasatra ka dia maty izy. Fa nalain' i Jahela vadi' i Hebera kosa ny tsima-day, nataony an-tànana ny tantanana, ary nitsaitsaika nanatona azy izy, dia natsatony tamin' ny fihirifany ny tsimatra, ka tafagorobaka amin' ny tany, fa renoky ny torimaso izy azon' ny hasasarana mafy; dia maty izy. Mais Yaèl, femme de Héber, prit un piquet de la tente, saisit un marteau dans sa main et, s' approchant de lui doucement, elle lui enfonça dans la tempe le piquet, qui se planta en terre. Il dormait profondément, épuisé de fatigue, c' est ainsi qu' il mourut.
Mts / Mpits 4.22 And, behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest. And when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead, and the nail was in his temples. Ary nony, indro, avy Baraka manenjika an' i Sisera, dia nivoaka hitsena azy Jaela ka nanao taminy hoe; Avia atý, fa hasehoko anao ny lehilahy izay tadiavinao. Ary rehefa tonga tao aminy izy, dia indro, ny fatin' i Sisera niampatra teo, ary ny tsima-day teo amin' ny fihirifany. Ary indro kosa fa nanenjika an' i Sisarà Baràka ka nivoaka hitsena azy Jahela, ka nanao taminy hoe: Avia, fa hasehoko anao ny lehilahy tadiavinao. Dia niditra tao aminy izy, ka hitany maty niampatra teo Sisarà, ary ny tsima-day teo amin' ny fihirifany. Et voici que Baraq survint, poursuivant Sisera. Yaèl sortit au-devant de lui : " Viens, lui dit-elle, et je te ferai voir l' homme que tu cherches. " Il entra chez elle : Sisera gisait mort, le piquet dans la tempe.
Mts / Mpits 5.20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. Avy tany an-danitra no nisy ady: ny kintana tamin' ny nalehany niady tamin' i Sisera. Ny tany an-danitra no niady ho antsika, ny kintana tamin' ny lalana ombany no niady tamin' i Sisara. Du haut des cieux les étoiles ont combattu, de leurs chemins, elles ont combattu Sisera.
Mts / Mpits 5.26 She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen' s hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples. Ny tànany nandray ny tsima-day, Ary ny tànany ankavanana nandray ny tantanan' ny mpiasa, dia namely an' i Sisera tamin' ny tantanana izy ka nahavoa ny lohany; Namely mafy izy, dia nahaboroaka ny fihirifany. Ny tanany anila mandray ny tsima-day, ary ny tanany havanana ny tantanan' ny mpiasa. Dia asiany Sisara, vakìny ny lohany; torotoroiny, gorobahany ny fihirifany. Elle a tendu la main pour saisir le piquet, la droite pour saisir le marteau des travailleurs. Elle a frappé Sisera, elle lui a brisé la tête, elle lui a percé et fracassé la tempe.
Mts / Mpits 5.28 The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots? Tao amin' ny varavarankely no nitsirihan' ny renin' i Sisera ka niantsoantsoany mafy; Eny, niantso tao amin' ny makarakara izy hoe: Nahoana no ela izato kalesiny vao tonga? Nahoana no mitaredretra ny kodian' ny kalesiny? Eo am-baravaran-kely amin' ny makarakara, no mijery ny renin' i Sisara sady mikiakiaka: Nahoana izato kalesiny no dia ela fihavy? Nahoana izato saretiny no dia miadam-pandeha? Par la fenêtre elle se penche, elle guette, la mère de Sisera, à travers le grillage : " Pourquoi son char tarde-t-il à venir ? Pourquoi sont-ils si lents, ses attelages ? "
Mts / Mpits 5.30 Have they not sped? have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of divers colours of needlework, of divers colours of needlework on both sides, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil? Tsy efa mahita va izy? Tsy mizara babo va izy? Dia zazavavy iray na roa ho an' ny isan-dahy, Ary lamba samy hafa volo ho babon' i Sisera, Lamba roa samy hafa soratra ho eo am-bozon' ny nahazo babo. Tsy nahita va izy ireo, tsy mizara babo va izy ireo? Zazavavy iray, zazavavy roa ho an' ny isam-piady; lamba misoratsoratra ho babon' i Sisara; lamba samihafa soratra ho babo, lamba misoratsoratra iray, lamba roa samihafa soratra ho eo an-tsoroky ny vavy. " Sans doute ils recueillent, ils partagent le butin : une jeune fille, deux jeunes filles par guerrier! un butin d'étoffes de couleur brodées pour Sisera, une broderie, deux broderies pour mon cou! "

  1st Samuel 1 Samoela Samoela I 1er Livre de Samuel
1Sm / 1Sam 12.9 And when they forgat the Lord their God, he sold them into the hand of Sisera, captain of the host of Hazor, and into the hand of the Philistines, and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they fought against them. Nefa raha nanadino an' i Jehovah Andriamaniny izy, dia namidiny ho eo an-tànan' i Sisera, komandin' ny miaramilan' i Hazora, sy ho eo an-tànan' ny Filistina ary ho eo an-tànan' ny mpanjakan' i Moaba, ka niadian' ireo izy. Nanadino an' ny Tompo Andriamaniny anefa izy ireo, ka natolony ho eo an-tànan' i Sisarà, filohan' ny tafik' i Hasora, sy ho eo an-tànan' ny Filistina, ary ho eo an-tànan' ny mpanjakan' i Moaba, izay niady taminy. Mais ils oublièrent Yahvé leur Dieu et celui-ci les livra aux mains de Sisera, chef de l' armée de Haçor, aux mains des Philistins et du roi de Moab qui leur firent la guerre.

  Book of Ezra Ezra Esdrasa Livre d'Esdras
Ezr / Esd 2.53 The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Thamah, ny taranak' i Barkosa, ny taranak' i Sisera, ny taranak' i Tema, ny taranak' i Berkosa, ny taranak' i Sisarà, ny taranak' i Temà, les fils de Barqos, les fils de Sisra, les fils de Témah,

  Book of Nehemiah Nehemia Nehemia Livre de Néhémie
Neh / Ne 7.55 The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Tamah, ny taranak' i Barkosa, ny taranak' i Sisera, ny taranak' i Tema, ny taranak' i Berkosa, ny taranak' i Sisarà, ny taranak' i Temà, les fils de Barqos, les fils de Sisra, les fils de Témah,

  The Psalms Salamo Salamo Les Psaumes
Sal 83.9 Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison: Ataovy tahaka ny Midiana izy, ary tahaka an' i Sisera sy Jabina teo amin' ny ony Kisona; Asora koa mikambana amin' izy ireo, ka manampy ny taranak' i Lota. - Selà. même Assur s' est joint à eux, il prête main-forte aux fils de Lot.