

Apo / Ap 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. Rehefa afaka izany, dia hitako fa, indreo, nisy anjely efatra nitsangana teo amin' ny vazan-tany efatra, nihazona ny rivotra efatra amin' ny tany, mba tsy nisy rivotra hitsoka amin' ny tany, na amin' ny ranomasina, na amin' ny hazo akory aza. Taorian' izany, nahita Anjely efatra aho, nitsangana tamin' ny vazan-tany efatra, nihazona ny rivotra efatra amin' ny tany mba tsy hisy rivotra hitsoka, na amin' ny tany, na amin' ny ranomasina, na amin' ny hazo iray akory. Après quoi je vis quatre Anges, debout aux quatre coins de la terre, retenant les quatre vents de la terre pour qu' il ne soufflât point de vent, ni sur la terre, ni sur la mer, ni sur aucun arbre.
Apo / Ap 7:2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Ary hitako fa, indro, nisy anjely hafa koa niakatra avy tany amin' ny fiposahan' ny masoandro, nanana ny fanombohan-kasen' Andriamanitra velona; ary iry niantso ny anjely efatra izay navela hanimba ny tany sy ny ranomasina tamin' ny feo mahery nanao hoe: Dia nahita anjely iray hafa koa aho, niakatra avy amin' ny fiposahan' ny masoandro, nitana ny fitombok' Andriamanitra velona, ary niantso mafy an' ireo anjely efatra nasaina hanimba ny tany aman-dranomasina, Puis je vis un autre Ange monter de l' orient, portant le sceau du Dieu vivant ; il cria d' une voix puissante aux quatre Anges auxquels il fut donné de malmener la terre et la mer :
Apo / Ap 7:3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Aza manimba ny tany, na ny ranomasina, na ny hazo, mandra-panisinay tombo-kase eo anin' ny handrin' ny mpanompon' Andriamanitsika. nanao hoe: Aza manimba ny tany na ny ranomasina na ny hazo, mandra-panisinay fitomboka eo amin' ny handrin' ny mpanompon' Andriamanitsika. " Attendez, pour malmener la terre et la mer et les arbres, que nous ayons marqué au front les serviteurs de notre Dieu. "
Apo / Ap 7:4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Ary nahare ny isan' izay voaisy tombo-kase aho: efatra arivo amby efatra alina amby iray hetsy no voaisy tombo-kase avy tamin' ny firenen' ny Zanak' isiraely rehetra. Ary reko ny isan' izay voaisy fitomboka tamin' ny fokon' Israely rehetra, ka efatra arivo sy efatra alina sy iray hetsy izy: Et j' ai appris combien furent alors marqués du sceau : cent quarante-quatre mille, de toutes les tribus des fils d' Israël.
Apo / Ap 7:5 Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Joda roa arivo amby iray alina no voaisy tombo-kase. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Robena roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Gada roa arivo amby iray alina. dia roa arivo sy iray alina voaisy fitomboka avy amin' ny fokon' i Robena; roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Gada; De la tribu de Juda, douze mille furent marqués ; de la tribu de Ruben, douze mille ; de la tribu de Gad, douze mille ;
Apo / Ap 7:6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Asera roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Naftaly roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Manase roa arivo amby iray alina. roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Asera; roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Neftalì; roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Manase; de la tribu d' Aser, douze mille ; de la tribu de Nephtali, douze mille ; de la tribu de Manassé, douze mille ;
Apo / Ap 7:7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Simeona roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Levy roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' Isakara roa arivo amby iray alina. roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Simeona; roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Levì; roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' Isakara; de la tribu de Siméon, douze mille; de la tribu de Lévi, douze mille ; de la tribu d' Issachar, douze mille ;
Apo / Ap 7:8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Zebolona roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Josefa roa arivo amby iray alina. Avy tamin' ny firenen' i Benjamina roa arivo amby iray alina no voaisy tombo-kase. roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Zabolona; roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Josefa, ary roa arivo sy iray alina avy amin' ny fokon' i Benjamina no voaisy fitomboka. de la tribu de Zabulon, douze mille ; de la tribu de Joseph, douze mille ; de la tribu de Benjamin, douze mille furent marqués. Le triomphe des élus au ciel.
Apo / Ap 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; Rehefa afaka izany dia hitako fa, indreo, nisy olona betsaka tsy tambo isaina avy tamin' ny firenena rehetra sy ny fokom-pirenena sy ny olona ary ny samy hafa fiteny nitsangana teo anoloan' ny seza fiandrianana sy teo anatrehan' ny Zanak' ondry, niakanjo akanjo fotsy lava sady nitana sampan-drofia teny an-tànany, Nanaraka izany, dia nahita vahoaka be tsy azon' olona isaina aho, avy amin' ny firenena rehetra, sy ny fokom-pirenena ary ny fanjakana mbamin' ny samihafa fiteny rehetra, nitsangana teo anoloan' ny seza fiandrianana sy ny Zanak' ondry, miakanjo fotsy sy mitana sampan-drofia. Après quoi, voici qu' apparut à mes yeux une foule immense, que nul ne pouvait dénombrer, de toute nation, race, peuple et langue ; debout devant le trône et devant l' Agneau, vêtus de robes blanches, de palmes à la main,
Apo / Ap 7:10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. dia niantso tamin' ny feo mahery izy nanao hoe: Ny famonjena anie ho an' Andriamanitsika, Izay mipetraka eo ambonin' ny seza fiandrianana, sy ho an' ny Zanak' ondry. Niantso tamin' ny feo mahery izy ireo nanao hoe: An' Andriamanitra izay mipetraka eo amin' ny seza fiandrianana, sy ny Zanak' ondry ny famonjena! ils crient d' une voix puissante : " Le salut à notre Dieu, qui siège sur le trône, ainsi qu'à l' Agneau ! "
Apo / Ap 7:11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Ary ny anjely rehetra nitsangana manodidina ny seza fiandrianana mbamin' ny loholona sy ny zava-manan' aina efatra, dia niankohoka teo anoloan' ny seza fiandrianana izy ka nivavaka tamin' Andriamanitra Dia nitsangana nanodidina ny seza fiandrianana sy ireo Anti-dahy ary ny Zava-manana aina efatra ny anjely rehetra, ka niankohoka teo anoloan' ny seza fiandrianana, nitsaoka an' Andriamanitra, Et tous les Anges en cercle autour du trône, des Vieillards et des quatre Vivants, se prosternèrent devant le trône, la face contre terre, pour adorer Dieu ;
Apo / Ap 7:12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. nanao hoe: Amena! Ny saotra sy ny voninahitra sy ny fahendrena sy ny fisaorana sy ny haja sy ny hery ary ny faherezana anie Ho an' Andriamanitsika mandrakizay mandrakizay. Amena. nanao hoe: Amena! An' Andriamanitsika mandrakizay mandrakizay ny dera amam-boninahitra, ny fahendrena amam-pankasitrahana, ny haja amam-pahefana, ary ny hery! ils disaient : " Amen ! Louange, gloire, sagesse, action de grâces, honneur, puissance et force à notre Dieu pour les siècles des siècles ! Amen ! "
Apo / Ap 7:13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? Ary ny anankiray tamin' ny loholona namaly ka nanao tamiko hoe: Iza moa ireo miakanjo akanjo fotsy lava? Ary avy taiza izy? Tamin' izay, ny iray tamin' ireo Anti-dahy nanao tamiko hoe: Iza moa ireo miakanjo fotsy, ary avy aiza no nihaviany? L' un des Vieillards prit alors la parole et me dit : " Ces gens vêtus de robes blanches, qui sont-ils et d' où viennent-ils ? "
Apo / Ap 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Fa hoy iraho taminy: Tompoko, ianao no mahalala. Dia hoy iry tamiko: Ireo no avy tamin' ny fahoriana lehibe, ary ny akanjony nosasany sy nofotsiany tamin' ny ran' ny Zanak' ondry. Dia hoy ny navaliko azy: Hianao no mahalala, Tompoko. Ary hoy izy tamiko: Ireo no avy tamin' ny fampijaliana lehibe, nanasa sy namotsy ny akanjony tamin' ny ran' ny Zanak' ondry. Et moi de répondre : " Monseigneur, c' est toi qui le sais. " Il reprit : " Ce sont ceux qui viennent de la grande épreuve : ils ont lavé leurs robes et les ont blanchies dans le sang de l' Agneau.
Apo / Ap 7:15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. Ary noho izany ny akanjony nosasany sy mitoetra eo anoloan' ny seza fiandrianan' Andriamanitra izy ka manompo Azy andro aman' alina eo amin' ny tempoliny; ary Ilay mipetraka eo ambonin' ny seza fiandrianana dia hamelatra ny trano-lainy handrakotra ary. Koa indreo izy eo anoloan' ny seza fiandrianan' Andriamanitra, namompo azy andro aman' alina ao an-tempoliny, ary hamponenin' ilay mipetraka eo amin' ny seza fiandrianana ao an-tranony. C' est pourquoi ils sont devant le trône de Dieu, le servant jour et nuit dans son temple ; et Celui qui siège sur le trône étendra sur eux sa tente.
Apo / Ap 7:16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. Tsy ho noana na hangetaheta intsony ireo; ary tsy haninona azy ny masoandro na izay hafanana akory. Tsy ho noana na hangetaheta intsony ireo, ary tsy hampaninona azy na hainandro na zava-mandoro hafa. Jamais plus ils ne souffriront de la faim ni de la soif ; jamais plus ils ne seront accablés ni par le soleil, ni par aucun vent brûlant.
Apo / Ap 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Fa ny Zanak' ondry Izay eo afovoan' ny seza fiandrianana no ho Mpiandry azy ka hitondra azy ho amin' ny loharanon' ny ranon' aina; ary hofafan' Andriamanitra ny ranomaso rehetra amin' ny masony (Isa. 25. 8). Fa ny Zanak' ondry, izay mipetraka eo afovoan' ny seza fiandrianana, no ho Mpiandry azy, sy hitondra azy ho amin' ny loharanon' aina, ary Andriamanitra no hamaoka ny ranomaso rehetra amin' ny masony. Car l' Agneau qui se tient au milieu du trône sera leur pasteur et les conduira aux sources des eaux de la vie. Et Dieu essuiera toute larme de leurs yeux.
