

Isa / Iz 25:1 O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. Jehovah ô, Andriamanitro Hianao; Hanandratra Anao sy hidera ny anaranao aho, fa efa nanao zava-mahagaga Hianao, dia zavatra efa voakasa hatramin' ny ela sady mahatoky no marina indrindra. Tompo o, Andriamanitro hianao; hankalaza anao aho, hidera ny anaranao aho, fa efa nanao zava-mahagaga hianao; mahatoky sy maharitra ny fikasanao vita ela. Yahvé, tu es mon Dieu, je t' exalterai, je louerai ton nom, car tu as accompli des merveilles, les desseins de jadis, fidèlement, fermement.
Isa / Iz 25:2 For thou hast made of a city an heap; of a defenced city a ruin: a palace of strangers to be no city; it shall never be built. Fa efa nataonao tonga korontam-bato ny tanàna; Ny tanàna mimanda dia rava tokoa; Ny lapan' ny fahavalo dia nataonao tsy vanon-ko tanàna; Tsy hatsangana intsony mandrakizay iny; Fa ny tanàna nataonao zary korontam-bato, ary ny tanàna mimanda, nataonao zava-drava, ny trano mimandan' ny baribariana, tsy mba tanàna intsony, sady tsy hatsangana mandrakizay. Car tu as fait de la ville un tas de pierres, la cité fortifiée est une ruine, la citadelle des étrangers n' est plus une ville, jamais elle ne sera reconstruite.
Isa / Iz 25:3 Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee. Ka dia hankalaza Anao ny firenena masiaka, Hatahotra Anao ny tanànan' ny firenena lozabe. Noho izany ny firenena mahery anankiray hanome voninahitra anao; ny tanànan' ireo firenena mahatsiravina hanaja anao. C' est pourquoi un peuple fort te glorifie, la cité des nations redoutables te craint.
Isa / Iz 25:4 For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. Fa fiarovana mafy ho an' ny reraka Hianao, eny, fiarovana mafy ho an' ny malahelo amin' ny fahoriany, fierena amin' ny ranonoram-baratra, fialokalofana amin' ny hainandro, fa ny rivotry ny mahery dia tahaka ny ranonorana mifafy mamely ny ampiantany. Hianao no trano mimanda ho an' ny osa, trano mimanda ho an' ny mahantra anatin' ny fahoriany, fialofana amin' ny ranonoram-baratra, alokaloka amin' ny hainandro migaingaina, Fa ny fifofofofon' ny mpanao jadon' ny mpanjaka dia toy ny ranonoram-baratra miantonta amin' ny ampiantany. Car tu as été un refuge pour le faible, un refuge pour le malheureux plongé dans la détresse, un abri contre la pluie, un ombrage contre la chaleur, car le souffle des violents est comme la pluie d' hiver.
Isa / Iz 25:5 Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low. Tahaka ny fandresinao ny hainandro izay mamely ny tany karankaina no andresenao ny fitabataban' ny firenena hafa; Eny, tahaka ny amin' ny hainandro resin' ny aloky ny rahona matevina no andresena ny fanakoran' ny olon-dozabe. Toy ny firehitry ny hainandro amin' ny tany karankaina, no amolahanao ny fidohadohan' ny baribariana. Toy ny andresen' ny aloky ny rahona ny firehitry ny hainandro, no andresena ny akoram-pandresen' ny mpampahory. Comme la chaleur sur une terre aride, tu apaises le tumulte des étrangers : la chaleur tiédit à l' ombre d' un nuage, le chant des violents se tait.
Isa / Iz 25:6 And in this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. Ary Jehovah, Tompon' ny maro, dia hanao fanasana ho an' ny firenena rehetra eto amin' ity tendrombohitra ity, dia fanasana amin' ny zavatra matavy, fanasana amin' ny divay efa niotrika ela, zavatra matavy be tsoka, divay efa niotrika ela sady voadio tsara. Hanomanan' ny Tompon' ny tafika amin' ity tendrombohitra ity ho an' ny firenena rehetra, fanasana amin' ny hena matavy, fanasana amin' ny divay ela niotrehana, hena matavy sy be tsoka, divay ela niotrehana sy voatantavana. Yahvé Sabaot prépare pour tous les peuples, sur cette montagne, un festin de viandes grasses, un festin de bons vins, de viandes moelleuses, de vins dépouillés.
Isa / Iz 25:7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations. Ary hofoanany eto amin' ity tendrombohitra ity, ny sarona izay manarona ny olona rehetra sy ny rakotra izay arakotra ny firenena rehetra. Hotriariny eto amin' ity tendrombohitra ity ny voaly manarona ny olona rehetra, mbamin' ny rakotra mandrakotra ny firenena rehetra. Il a détruit sur cette montagne le voile qui voilait tous les peuples et le tissu tendu sur toutes les nations;
Isa / Iz 25:8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. Hofoanany tsy hisy mandrakizay ny fahafatesana; Ary Jehovah Tompo hamafa ny ranomaso amin' ny tava rehetra sady hanafa-tondromaso ny olony eny amin' ny tany rehetra, fa Jehovah no efa niteny. Ny Fahafatesana hofoanany tsy hisy mandrakizay; Iaveh Tompo hamafa ny ranomaso amin' ny tava rehetra; ny henatry ny vahoakany hesoriny tsy hisy amin' ny tany rehetra; fa efa niteny Iaveh. il a fait disparaître la mort à jamais. Le Seigneur Yahvé a essuyé les pleurs sur tous les visages, il ôtera l' opprobre de son peuple sur toute la terre, car Yahvé a parlé.
Isa / Iz 25:9 And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. Ary holazaina amin' izany andro izany hoe: Indro Andriamanitsika, izay nandrasantsika hamonjy antsika; Indro Jehovah, Izay nandrasan-tsika, koa dia aoka ho faly sy ho ravoravo amin' ny famonjeny isika. Izao no holazain' ny olona amin' izany andro izany: Indro ny Andriamanitsika izay niankinantsika mba ho voavonjy; dia Iaveh izay nantenaintsika. Aoka isika hanao fifaliana sy hiravoravo amin' ny famonjeny. Et on dira, en ce jour-là : Voyez, c' est notre Dieu, en lui nous espérions pour qu' il nous sauve; c' est Yahvé, nous espérions en lui. Exultons, réjouissons-nous du salut qu' il nous a donné.
Isa / Iz 25:10 For in this mountain shall the hand of the Lord rest, and Moab shall be trodden down under him, even as straw is trodden down for the dunghill. Fa hipetraka amin' ity tendrombohitra ity ny tànan' i Jehovah, ary Moaba hohosihosena ao amin' izay itoerany, dia tahaka ny fanosihosena ny mololo miavosa amin' ny rano ao am-pahitra; Fa ny tanan' ny Tompo hipetraka amin' ity tendrombohitra ity; ary Moaba kosa, hohosihosena an-toerana, toy ny fihosihosy mololo ao an-dobon-jezika. Car la main de Yahvé reposera sur cette montagne et Moab sera foulé sur place, comme on foule la paille dans la fosse à fumier.
Isa / Iz 25:11 And he shall spread forth his hands in the midst of them, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth his hands to swim: and he shall bring down their pride together with the spoils of their hands. Ary ireo dia hamelatra ny tanany eo ampovoan' izany, tahaka ny famelatry ny mpilomano ny tanany raha milomano; Fa Jehovah kosa hampietry ny fiavonavonany, na dia kanto aza ny fahamailamailaky ny tànany. Haninji-tànana ihany izy, ao anatin' izany fotaka izany, toy ny mpilomano maninji-tànana hilomano; nefa haetrin' ny Tompo ny avonavony, na hanampatra ny heriny rehetra aza ny tànany. Il étend les mains, au milieu de la montagne, comme le nageur les étend pour nager. Mais il rabaissera son orgueil, malgré les efforts de ses mains.
Isa / Iz 25:12 And the fortress of the high fort of thy walls shall he bring down, lay low, and bring to the ground, even to the dust. Ary ny mandanao mafy sy avo dia harodany ka haetriny sy hofongorany hatramin' ny tany, dia hatramin' ny vovoka. Ny mandanao avo be, harodany, hazerany, hatontany amin' ny tany, anatin' ny vovoka. Et la place forte inaccessible de tes remparts, il l' a abattue, abaissée, renversée à terre, dans la poussière.
