

Job / Jb 23:1 Then Job answered and said, Dia namaly Joba ka nanao hoe: Dia niteny Joba ka nanao hoe: Job prit la parole et dit :
Job / Jb 23:2 Even to day is my complaint bitter: my stroke is heavier than my groaning. Mbola atao ho fikomianao ihany ny fitarainako; Ny tanana mamely ahy dia mitambesatra amin' ny fisentoako. Eny mangidy anio ny fitarainako, nefa mbola tampenan' ny tanako aza ny fitolokoko. Encore aujourd' hui ma plainte est une révolte; ma main comprime mon gémissement.
Job / Jb 23:3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat! Enga anie ka ho fantatro izay hahitako Azy ka ho tonga any amin' ny fitoerany aza! Ah, raha mba misy mantsy hampahafantatra ahy izay hahitako azy, sy hahatongavako hatrany amin' ny seza fiandrianany! Oh! Si je savais comment l' atteindre, parvenir jusqu'à sa demeure,
Job / Jb 23:4 I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments. Dia handahatra ny teniko eo anatrehany aho. Ka hofenoiko ny teny alahatro ny vavako; Dia halahatro eo anatrehany ny momba ahy, ary hofenoiko teny fanamarinana ny vavako! J' ouvrirais un procès devant lui, ma bouche serait pleine de griefs.
Job / Jb 23:5 I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would say unto me. Ary hahalala izay teny havaliny ahy aho sy hamantatra izay holazainy amiko. Ho fantatro izay hevitra mety hoentiny hanohitra ahy, ary ho hitako izay mba mety holazainy amiko. Je connaîtrais les termes de sa réponse, attentif à ce qu' il me dirait.
Job / Jb 23:6 Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me. Hery lehibe va no handaharany teny amiko? Tsia, fa Izy indrindra no hihaino ahy Ny haben' ny fahefany ve no hoentiny manda ahy? Tsy ho sitrany ve ny manipy maso amiko ahay? Jetterait-il toute sa force dans ce débat avec moi ? Non, il lui suffirait de me prêter attention.
Job / Jb 23:7 There the righteous might dispute with him; so should I be delivered for ever from my judge. Fa amin' izany dia olona marina no ho nifandahatra taminy; Ka dia ho nanan-drariny mihitsy aho tamin' ny Mpitsara ahy. Amin' izay dia hifandahatra aminy ny olo-marina, ka dia handeha aho efa voavelan' ny mpitsara ahy ho afa-mandrakizay. Il reconnaîtrait dans son adversaire un homme droit, et je triompherais de mon juge.
Job / Jb 23:8 Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: Indro, miantsinanana aho, fa tsy any Izy; Ary miankandrefana aho, fa tsy hitako Izy; Kanjo miantsinanana aho, tsy any izy, miankandrefana indray, tsy tazako izy. Si je vais vers l' orient, il est absent; vers l' occident, je ne l' aperçois pas.
Job / Jb 23:9 On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: Mianavaratra amin' izay iasany aho, fa tsy tazako Izy; Mivily any atsimo Izy, ka tsy hitako. Manan-draharaha any avaratra izy, tsy hitako, miafina any atsimo, tsy haiko tsinjovina. Quand il agit au nord, je ne le saisis pas, s' il se tourne au midi, je ne le vois pas.
Job / Jb 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. Fa mahalala ny lalana falehako Izy; Raha hizahany toetra aho, dia hivoaka tahaka ny volamena. Fantany anefa ny lalana falehako; raha mizaha toetra ahy izy, dia hivoaka madio toy ny volamena aho. Et pourtant, la voie qui est la mienne, il la connaît! Qu' il me passe au creuset : or pur j' en sortirai!
Job / Jb 23:11 My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Ny tongotro nifikitra tamin' ny lalany; Eny, ny lalany no nizorako tsara, ka tsy nivily aho. Fa nandia ny dian-tongony mandrakariva ny tongotro; nizotra tsy mivily teo amin' ny lalany aho. Mon pied s' est attaché à ses pas, j' ai gardé sa voie sans dévier;
Job / Jb 23:12 Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. Ny didin' ny molony tsy mba nialako; Ny tenin' ny vavany noraketiko mihoatra noho ny faniriako. Tsy nivily niala teo amin' ny didin' ny vavany aho, ary ny sitra-poko nofolahiko nampanekeko ny didin' ny molony. je n' ai pas négligé le commandement de ses lèvres, j' ai abrité dans mon sein les paroles de sa bouche.
Job / Jb 23:13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth. Nefa tsy miova saina Izy, iza no mahasakana Azy? Fa na inona na inona irin' ny fanahiny dia ataony. Manana ny heviny anefa izy; ka iza no hampiova azy amin' izay? Izay iriny dia tanterahiny avokoa. Mais lui décide, qui le fera changer ? Ce qu' il a projeté, il l' accomplit.
Job / Jb 23:14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him. Eny, manatanteraka izay voatendry ho ahy Izy; Ary zavatra maro toy izany no ao aminy; Hotanterahiny ary izay efa notendreny ho ahy; ary tsy vitsy ny hevitra toy izany ao aminy. Il exécutera donc ma sentence, comme tant d' autres de ses décrets!
Job / Jb 23:15 Therefore am I troubled at his presence: when I consider, I am afraid of him. Roa Izany no mampangovitra ahy eo anatrehany; Raha misaintsaina izany aho, dia matahotra Azy. Izany no mampitebiteby ahy eo anatrehany; rahefa mihevitra izany aho, dia matahotra azy. C' est pourquoi, devant lui, je suis terrifié; plus j' y songe, plus il me fait peur.
Job / Jb 23:16 For God maketh my heart soft, and the Almighty troubleth me: Fa Andriamanitra no mandrerakany foko, ary ny Tsitoha no mampangovitra ahy; Mandreraka ny foko Andriamanitra; mameno tahotra ahy ny Tsitoha. Dieu a brisé mon courage, Shaddaï me remplit d' effroi.
Job / Jb 23:17 Because I was not cut off before the darkness, neither hath he covered the darkness from my face. Fa tsy ny fahamaizinana no maharesy ahy, na ny maizim-pito izay manarona ny tavako. Fa tsy mba ny aizina no mihinana ahy, na ny alina no manarona ny tavako. Car je n' ai pas été anéanti devant les ténèbres mais il a recouvert ma face d' obscurité.
