

Job / Jb 27:1 Moreover Job continued his parable, and said, Dia mbola nandroso nanao oha-teny ihany Joba ka nanao hoe: Mbola niteny indray Joba hoy izy: Et Job continua de s' exprimer en sentences et dit :
Job / Jb 27:2 As God liveth, who hath taken away my judgment; and the Almighty, who hath vexed my soul; Raha velona koa Andriamanitra, Izay efa nandà tsy hanome ahy ny rariny, sy ny Tsitoha, Izay efa nampangidy ny aiko. Amin' Andriamanitra velona izay manda tsy hanome rariny ahy, amin' ny Tsitoha izay mameno zava-mangidy ny aiko, Par le Dieu vivant qui me refuse justice, par Shaddaï qui m' emplit d' amertume,
Job / Jb 27:3 All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils; Fa mbola ato anatiko ihany ny aiko, ary eo am-bavoroko ny Fanahin' Andriamanitra. raha mbola manam-pofon' aina koa aho, ka mbola eo am-bavoroko ny fofon' ain' Andriamanitra; tant qu' un reste de vie m' animera, que le souffle de Dieu passera dans mes narines,
Job / Jb 27:4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. Dia tsy hanao teny tsy marina ny molotro, ary tsy hanonom-pitaka ny lelako. dia tsy hisy tsy marina hotonoin' ny molotro, tsy hanonon-dainga ny lelako. mes lèvres ne diront rien de mal, ma langue n' exprimera aucun mensonge.
Job / Jb 27:5 God forbid that I should justify you: till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me. Sanatria raha hanaiky ny anareo ho marina aho! Mandra-pialan' ny aiko dia tsy hanaiky ny tenako ho manan-tsiny aho. Lavitra ahy izay hihevitra ny anareo ho marina, fa hiaro ny tsy fananako tsiny aho mandra-pahatapitry ny aiko. Bien loin de vous donner raison, jusqu'à mon dernier souffle, je maintiendrai mon innocence.
Job / Jb 27:6 My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live. Ny fahamarinako dia hazoniko mafy ka tsy ho foiko; Ny foko tsy manome tsiny ahy akory na dia ny amin' ny androko iray monja aza. Efa nanomboka nanamarina ny tenako aho, tsy hitsahatra amin' izany, tsy misy androko anomezan' ny foko tsiny ahy na dia iray aza. Je tiens à ma justice et ne lâche pas; ma conscience ne me reproche aucun de mes jours.
Job / Jb 27:7 Let mine enemy be as the wicked, and he that riseth up against me as the unrighteous. Aoka ho hita fa ratsy fanahy ny fahavaloko, ary tsy marina izay mitsangana hanohitra ahy. Fitondra olon-dratsy anie no ho anjaran' ny fahavaloko, ary anjaran' ny tsy mivavaka anie no ho an' ny mpanohitra ahy! Que mon ennemi ait le sort du méchant, mon adversaire celui de l' injuste!
Job / Jb 27:8 For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? Fa inona no fanantenan' ny mpihatsaravelatsihy,44 raha maito ny ainy, ka tsoahan' Andriamanitra ny fanahiny? Inona no ho fanantenan' ny tsy mivavaka, raha fognoran' Andriamanitra izy, raha alany ny ainy? Quel profit peut espérer l' impie quand Dieu lui retire la vie ?
Job / Jb 27:9 Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him? Hihaino ny fitarainany va Andriamanitra, raha ozoim-pahoriana izy? Moa Andriamanitra hihaino izay fitarainany akory va, amin' ny andro hamelezan' ny fahoriana azy? Est-ce que Dieu entend ses cris, quand fond sur lui la détresse ?
Job / Jb 27:10 Will he delight himself in the Almighty? will he always call upon God? Ho azony hiravoravoana va ny Tsitoha? Hahazo miantso an' Andriamanitra mandrakariva va izy? Mahita firavoravoana ao amin' ny Tsitoha va izy? Manao fivavahana mandrakariva amin' Andriamanitra va izy? Faisait-il ses délices de Shaddaï, invoquait-il Dieu en tout temps ?
Job / Jb 27:11 I will teach you by the hand of God: that which is with the Almighty will I not conceal. Hampianatra anareo ny amin' ny tànan' Andriamanitra aho, ary tsy hisorona anareo aho ny amin' ny hevitry ny Tsitoha. Hotoroako ny fitondra' Andriamanitra hianareo, ary tsy hanafenako ny hevitry ny Tsitoha. Mais je vous instruis sur la puissance de Dieu, sans rien vous cacher des pensées de Shaddaï.
Job / Jb 27:12 Behold, all ye yourselves have seen it; why then are ye thus altogether vain? Indreo, ianareo rehetra samy efa nahita izany; Koa nahoana ianareo no manao hevi-poana? Tenanareo rehetra aza no efa nahita maso izany! ka nahoana hianareo no mandahadahatra foana? Et si vous tous aviez su l' observer, à quoi bon vos vains discours dans le vide ?
Job / Jb 27:13 This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of oppressors, which they shall receive of the Almighty. Izao no anjaran' ny ratsy fanahy avy amin' Andriamanitra, sy lovan' ny lozabe raisiny avy amin' ny Tsitoha: Izao no anjara natokan' Andriamanitra ho an' ny ratsy fanahy, sy lova azon' ny mpanao an-keriny, avy amin' ny Tsitoha. Voici le lot que Dieu assigne au méchant, l' héritage que le violent reçoit de Shaddaï.
Job / Jb 27:14 If his children be multiplied, it is for the sword: and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread. Na dia mihamaro aza ny zanany, dia ho an' ny sabatra ihany ireny. Ary ny zaza aterany tsy ho voky hanina; Raha maro anaka izy, ho anjaran' ny sabatra ireny; ary ny solofony tsy mba ho voky hanina. Si ses fils se multiplient, c' est pour l'épée, et ses descendants n' apaiseront pas leur faim.
Job / Jb 27:15 Those that remain of him shall be buried in death: and his widows shall not weep. Ny ankohonany sisa dia hasitrik' Ifahafatesana, ary tsy hisaona azy ny mpitondratenany; Ny sisa velona aoriany, hasitrika amin' ny fahafatesana, ny mpitondratenany tsy mba hitomany azy. Les survivants seront ensevelis par la Peste, sans que ses veuves puissent les pleurer.
Job / Jb 27:16 Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay; Na dia mahary volafotsy hoatra ny vovoka aza izy ary mahangona fitafiana hoatra ny fotaka, Na hahangona volafotsy hoatra ny fasika aza izy, ka hampiavosa fitafiana hoatra ny fotaka, S' il accumule l' argent comme la poussière, s' il entasse des vêtements comme de la glaise,
Job / Jb 27:17 He may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver. Eny, manangona ihany izy, nefa ny marina no hitafy izany, ary ny tsy manan-tsiny no hizara ny volafotsy; fanangonana no azy, fa ny marina no hitondra ireny; ny tsy manan-tsiny no handova ny volanao. qu' il les entasse! un juste les revêtira, un innocent recevra l' argent en partage.
Job / Jb 27:18 He buildeth his house as a moth, and as a booth that the keeper maketh. Manao ny tranony tahaka ny an' ny lolofotsy izy, ary tahaka ny trano rantsan-kazo ataon' ny mpiandry voly; Ny tranony toy ny ataon' ny kalalao, manahaka ny trano bongo aorin' ny mpiandry tanim-boaloboka. Il s' est bâti une maison d' araignée, il s' est construit une hutte de gardien :
Job / Jb 27:19 The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not be gathered: he openeth his eyes, and he is not. Ao avokoa ihany ny hareny, raha vao mandry izy; Nefa nony ahirany ny masony, dia tsy ao intsony ireny. Mandry ny manan-karena, dia izay no farany; manokatra ny masony izy, dia maty eo. riche il se couche, mais c' est la dernière fois; quand il ouvre les yeux, plus rien.
Job / Jb 27:20 Terrors take hold on him as waters, a tempest stealeth him away in the night. Ny fampahatahorana mahatratra azy tahaka ny riaka: Nony alina paohin' ny tafio-drivotra izy; Saforan' ny fampahatahorana toy ny rano be izy; paohin' ny tafio-drivotra mamaton' alina. Les terreurs l' assaillent en plein jour, la nuit, un tourbillon l' enlève.
Job / Jb 27:21 The east wind carrieth him away, and he departeth: and as a storm hurleth him out of his place. Ny rivotra avy any atsinanana mampiainga sy mahalasa azy ka mipaoka azy hiala amin' ny fitoerany; Ongoahan' ny rivotra avy any atsinanana izy, dia tsy hita, fa tsoahany an-keriny eo amin' ny fonenany. Un vent d' est le soulève et l' entraîne, l' arrache à son lieu de séjour.
Job / Jb 27:22 For God shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand. Asian' Andriamanitra izy ka tsy iantrany, ary mandositra dia mandositra ho afaka amin' ny tànany izy; Fafazan' Andriamanitra ny zana-tsipikany, tsy ananany antra izy; Ka taitra mandositra tsy ho tratry ny tanany; Sans pitié, on le prend pour cible, il doit fuir des mains menaçantes.
Job / Jb 27:23 Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place. Tehafin' ny olona tanana izy sady isitrisirany ka ampialainy amin' ny fonenany. itehafan' ny olona izy, avy eo an-trano nitoerany, dia anakorana azy. On applaudit à sa ruine, on le siffle partout où il va.
