
Entry (1/6)1  manina (hanina)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Vocabulary  3  Emotions
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Mahatsiaro ny any lavitra ka malahelo te hahita, manembona: Manina ny any aminay aho izany [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  to long for, to regret; (instead of the passive verb, use mahamanina) [1.7]
Explanations in French  6  regretter, soupirer après (au lieu du passif on emploie mahamanina) [1.8]
Examples  7  manina ny tanindrazana aho izany! [2.470]
8  Mba finoana velona eo amin' ny mpiantsambo rehetra koa fa izay efa nandia ny fiainan-dranomasina, tsy maintsy manina mandrakariva ny fidoboky ny onja. [2.471]
9  Present :
10  Past :
11  Future :
12  Imperative :
13  Active verbs :
Compound words 
Proverbs  16  Proverbs containing the word manina

Entry (2/6)17  manina (ina)
Part of speech  18  active verb
Explanations in English  19  to command, to direct, to govern, to conduct, to manage. Chiefly used in speaking of the affairs of the kingdom. [Provincial] [1.2]
20  Present :
21  Past :
22  Future :
23  Imperative :

Entry (3/6)24  manina
Part of speech  25  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  26  manendry [Bara] [1.78]

Entry (4/6)27  manìna (hanina)
Part of speech  28  imperative of active verb manina
Explanations in Malagasy  29  [1.1]
Tables and plates  30  All the active imperatives

Entry (5/6)31  maninà (ina)
Part of speech  32  imperative of active verb manina
Explanations in Malagasy  33  [1.1]
Tables and plates  34  All the active imperatives

Entry (6/6)35  Manina
Part of speech  36  name (short story title)
Vocabulary  37  Literature: short story
Elementary words  38  manina
Author  39  Tselatra
40  Tselatra (Rajonah)
Text  41  - Veloma ihany, ry masoandro hilentika; masina, ry volana hisoka, fa ianareo no vaky andro tsinana alina ka mba hoperako hafatra amin-drahavana: lazao azy fa misento azy tsy hita aho ka manohoka aloka irery; ory havana hariva ka mivoady ny andro ho maraina. Laingo nosarahina aman-kazo aho, elatra nolaingosana amam-borona ka sady malazo no saraka amin'aina.

- Mitevy ala ny any atsinanana ka alin-kely manjepy ny aty andrefana: saron-javona antoandro ny any Ankaratra ka kamokamo tomefika ny aty Andringitra. Raha mahatsiaro ny any, misento mahalana ny aty. Sakanan-tany tsy hipaka mantsy, elanin'andro tsy hihaona, fa manindria fo tsy ho aiza, rahavako, fa andro maro no hananana ahy.

Anagrams  42  Manina, manina, maninà, manìna, Manina, manina, maninà, manìna, Manina, manina, maninà, manìna, Manina, manina, maninà, manìna

Updated on 2023/10/20