
Entry (1/2)1  adana
Part of speech  2  noun or adjective
Vocabulary  3  Emotions
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Fandehanana na fitenenana na fanaovan-javatra milamina, tsy rototra [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  slow, peaceful, tranquil; grave and prudent in action. Root not used in Imerina. [Mal. Adu, to repose (?).] [1.2]6  slowness; hence, peace, happiness [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  lenteur [1.3, 1.8, 1.5]8  Etat paisible, prospérité [1.3, 1.5]9  démarche grave, abondance, paix [1.3]10  tranquillité, bonheur [1.8]
11  Active verbs :
12  Passive verbs :
13  Relative verbs :
14  Names :
15  Adjectives :
Analogs  16  anoka, danoka, daresaka, darona, tanesaka, fisomararetra, havotsana, havozavozana, hasambarana, hafinaretana, raondraona, firaondraonana, roandroana, firoandroanana, oronorona, fioronoronana, fandrian-tsaina, tsy fitebitebena, tsy fananana tahotra am-po, fandriam-pahalemana, tsy fananana horohoro

Entry (2/2)18  Adana
Part of speech  19  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  20  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  21  Addan [2.996]
Explanations in French  22  Addân [2.996]
Examples  23  Ary izao no niakatra avy tany Tela-mela sy Tela-harsa sy Keroba sy adana ary Imera (fa tsy nahalaza ny fianakaviany sy ny firazanany izy, na avy tamin'ny Isiraely, na tsia): [2.996]
Other spellings  24  adona, adona
Biblical quotes  25  Chapters and verses mentioning Adana
Tables and plates  26  Full list
Article  27  Randzavola: Adana ao amin' ny Baiboly

Updated on 2024/09/10