
Entry (1/2)1  Razafindrazaka
Part of speech  2  name (anthroponym)
Vocabulary  3  History: individuals
Tables and plates  5  Full list

Entry (2/2)6  Razafindrazaka
Part of speech  7  name (anthroponym)
Vocabulary  8  History: individuals
Explanations in Malagasy  9  Teraka tany Amparafaravola (Ambatondrazaka) tamin'ny 30 Janoary 1922.

Nianatra tamin'ny sekolim-panjakana teo an-toerana ary tamin'ny taona 1938, tafiditra tamin'ny Ecoles Régionales. Nanohy fianarana araka izany tany Toamasina (1938-1939), Ambatondrazaka (1940). Nanomana tao amin'ny Ecole Le Myre de Vilers (1941-1942) ny fidirana ho amin'ny Ecole de Médecine ary dia nianatra tao amin'itỳ farany dokoteram-panjakana.

Nivezivezy tetsy sy teroa eran'i Madagasikara araka ny fanendrena azo. Sady niasa no nampiana-tena.

Afaka Baccalauréat tamin' ny 1957. Izany dia lalana niombana hahazoana ny doctorat en médecine izay vita tao Paris tamin'ny 1961. Ny asa fandidiana izay indray nezahina niaraka tamin'io fianarana tany ivelany io, dia natao nony tafaverina teto an-tanindrazana, ary nanaovana fiofanana sy fandalinana indray tany Strasbourg (1964-1967). Dia napetraka tamin'izay ary nanao ny raharaha fitsaboana tandrifin'ireo fiomanana rehetra ireo.

Mbola kely mihitsy dia efa revo tamin' ny famakiana ny lahatsoratra sy boky amin'ny teny malagasy. Folo taona mahery dia efa nahavaky manontolo ny Baiboly sy antotan-gazety "Ny Mpadinika" nisy laharana novoaka nandritra ny roa na telo taona voatambatra ho boky, hita tao an-trano tamin'izany fotoana izany. [2.472]

Explanations in English  10  932=In 2006 Andry Andraina (his real name was Razafindrazaka), a well-known figure in the literary world, died. He was a member of HAVATSA/UPEM and an active member of the Malagasy Academy. Andry Andraina began to publish late in life. His first novel I Vola appeared when he was 55. It received the award of the Malagasy Academy. His second novel Mitaraina ny tany was nominated for the award of Ministeran' ny Fanolokoloana sy ny Zavakanto Revolisionera. He wrote a number of plays and radio shows. Andry Andraina was the founder of the realistic novel genre in Madagascar, and his works are now a part of the school curriculum. The Film Pirates was made after his famous novel I Vola. (Rasoavazaha) [5.en.http://www.haisoratra.org/article.php3?id_article]
Elementary words  11  Razafindrazaka
Tables and plates  13  Full list
14  Pseudonyms of Malagasy writers

Updated on 2023/08/12