| 1 mixed  |
faho | 2 mixed ~ mixed, in a mixed state. See <1haro#> |
fahoana | 3 mixed ~ to be mixed, to be mingled. |
aharo | 4 mixed (to be) ~ to be mixed. Used in speaking of that which is added. |
haroana | 5 mixed ~ to be mixed. Used in speaking of that which is added to. ~ to have something mixed into it |
haroina | 6 mixed ~ to be mixed, to be mingled, to be put into a state of confused mixture. ~ to be mixed, to be stirred |
mifaho | 7 mixed |
miharo | 8 mixed ~ to be in a mixed state, to be in a mingled state. ~ to be together, to be mixed together (of things) |
vaoharo | 9 mixed ~ mixed, mingled |