
Entry1  mampahory
Root  2  ory
Part of speech  3  active verb
Explanations in English  4  to distress, to afflict, to make miserable. [1.2]
5  to afflict, to make miserable [1.7]
Explanations in French  6  affliger, rendre misérable; faire souffrir [1.8]
Examples  7  tsy misy mampahory azy eto! [2.4#]
8  Tonga hilalao aina ka izay no mampahory. [2.928#]
Vocabulary  9  Emotions
10  Present :
11  Past :
12  Future :
Synonyms  13  mahory
Proverbs  14  Proverbs containing the word mampahory

Updated on 2023/04/10