
Entry (1/3)1  bobongolo
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in English  3  [1.2] [Provincial] the name of a wild animal which resembles a cat
Explanations in French  4  [1.19] [Tankarana] nom d'un petit animal, comme un chat.
Vocabulary  5  Zoology: mammals

Entry (2/3)6  bobongolo
Part of speech  7  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  8  [1.1] Zavatra miendri-kolatra madinika mandroadroatra mipetaka amin' ny zavatra nipetraka maharitra tamin' ny mando: Azon' ny bobongolo ny kiraroko nipetraka herinandro tao anjoron-trano tao
Explanations in English  9  [1.2] mould, mildew, the concretion found on damp objects tending to decay. See vovoka.
10  [1.7] mildew, mold
Explanations in French  11  [1.3#83, 1.8] moisissure
12  [1.196] Nom générique donné aux moisissures et autres champignons microscopiques ; notamment les penicillium et aspergillus. [Merina]
Examples  13  Azon' ny bobongolo ny kiraro (Les souliers sont moisis) [1.3#83]
Vocabulary  14  Botany

Entry (3/3)15  bobongolo
Part of speech  16  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  17  [1.1] Mihintsana be ihany fa efa lo, simba, lomorina: Fanaka bobongolo no hita tao an' efitrano madio
Explanations in English  18  [1.7] moldy
Explanations in French  19  [1.3#83, 1.8] moisi
Examples  20  mangavo-bolo Toa tahom-bary bobongolo! [1.255]
21  ary efa maina sy bobongolo ny mofo rehetra izay vatsiny. [2.996]

Updated on 2025/02/02