
Chapters and verses mentioning Serygio Paolo

  The Acts of the Apostles Asa Asa Les Actes des Apôtres
Asa 13.7 Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. izay nitoetra tao amin' i Serygio Paolo, governoran' ny tany sady lehilahy hendry; ary izy nampaka an' i Barnabasy sy Saoly hankao aminy ka naniry mba hahare ny tenin' Andriamanitra. izay nitoetra tao amin' ny governora Serjio Paoly lehilahy hendry. Nampanalain' ity governora i Barnabe sy Paoly, fa naniry handre ny tenin' Andriamanitra izy. qui était de l' entourage du proconsul Sergius Paulus, homme avisé. Ce dernier fit appeler Barnabé et Saul, désireux d' entendre la parole de Dieu.