
Chapters and verses mentioning Madelena

  The Gospel according to Matthew Matio Matio L'Évangile selon Saint Matthieu
Mat / Mt 27.56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees children. Isan' ireny Maria Magdalena sy Maria, renin' i Jakoba sy Josesy, ary ny renin' ny zanak' i Zebedio. anisan' ireo Maria Madelena, sy Maria renin' i Jakoba sy Josefa, ary ny renin' ny zanak' i Zebede. entre autres Marie de Magdala, Marie, mère de Jacques et de Joseph, et la mère des fils de Zébédée.
Mat / Mt 27.61 And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. Ary tao Maria Magdalena sy ilay Maria anankiray ka nipetraka tandrifin' ny fasana. Ary Maria Madelena, sy ilay Maria anankiray, dia teo ka nipetraka nanandrify ny fasana. Or il y avait là Marie de Magdala et l' autre Marie, assises en face du sépulcre.
Mat / Mt 28.1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. Ary tamin' ny alin' ny Sabata, raha vao nazava ratsy ny andro voalohany amin' ny herinandro, dia avy hizaha ny fasana Maria Magdalena sy ilay Maria anankiray. Tamin' ny alin' ny sabata, raha vao nazava ratsy ny andro voalohany amin' ny herinandro, dia lasa nitsirika ny fasana Maria Madelena sy ilay Maria anankiray. Après le jour du sabbat, comme le premier jour de la semaine commençait à poindre, Marie de Magdala et l' autre Marie vinrent visiter le sépulcre.

  The Gospel according to Mark Marka Marka L'Évangile selon Saint Marc
Mar / Mk 15.40 There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome; Ary nisy vehivavy koa nitsinjo teny lavidavitra eny, ary isan' ireny Maria Magdalena sy Salome ary Maria, renin' i Jakoba kely sy Josesy, Ary nisy vehivavy nijery teny lavidavitra teny koa; anisan' ireny Maria Madelena, sy Maria renin' i Jakoba zandriny sy Josefa, ary koa Salome, Il y avait aussi des femmes qui regardaient à distance, entre autres Marie de Magdala, Marie mère de Jacques le petit et de Joset, et Salomé,
Mar / Mk 15.47 And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid. Ary Maria Magdalena sy Maria, renin' i Josesy, dia nijery izay nametrahany Azy. Nojeren' i Maria Madelena sy Maria renin' i Josefa tsara izay nametrahany azy. Or, Marie de Magdala et Marie, mère de Joset, regardaient où on l' avait mis.
Mar / Mk 16.1 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. Ary rehefa afaka ny andro Sabata, dia lasa nividy zava-manitra Maria Magdalena sy Salome ary Maria, renin' i Jakoba, mba handeha hanosotra ny fatin' i Jesosy. Ary rahefa afaka ny sabata, dia nividy zava-manitra Maria Madelena, sy Maria renin' i Jakoba, ary Salome, mba handeha hanosotra ny vatan' i Jeso. Quand le sabbat fut passé, Marie de Magdala, Marie, mère de Jacques, et Salomé achetèrent des aromates pour aller oindre le corps.
Mar / Mk 16.9 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. [Ary rehefa nitsangana tamin' ny marain' ny andro voalohany amin' ny herinandro Jesosy, dia niseho voalohany tamin' i Maria Magdalena, ilay namoahany demonia fito, Izy Rahefa nitsangana tamin' ny maty Jeso, ny marainakoan' ny andro voalohany amin' ny herinandro, dia Maria Madelena, ilay namoahany demony fito, no nisehoany voalohany. Ressuscité le matin, le premier jour de la semaine, il apparut d' abord à Marie de Magdala dont il avait chassé sept démons.

  The Gospel according to Luke Lioka Lioka L'Évangile selon Saint Luc
Lio / Lk 8.2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, mbamin' ny vehivavy sasany, izay nositraniny tamin' ny fanahy ratsy sy ny aretina, dia Maria atao hoe Magdalena, izay efa nivoahan' ny demonia fito, sy ny vehivavy sasany nositraniny tamin' ny fanahy ratsy sy ny aretina, dia Maria atao hoe Madelena izay nivoahana demony fito, ainsi que quelques femmes qui avaient été guéries d' esprits mauvais et de maladies : Marie, appelée la Magdaléenne, de laquelle étaient sortis sept démons,
Lio / Lk 24.10 It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. Teo Maria Magdalena sy Johana ary Maria, renin' i Jakoba; ary ny vehivavy sasany izay naman' ireo koa dia nilaza izany tamin' ny Apostoly. dia Maria Madelena sy Joana ary Maria renin' i Jakoba izany, ary ny vehivavy hafa niaraka taminy koa dia samy nilaza izany tamin' ny Apostoly. C'étaient Marie la Magdaléenne, Jeanne et Marie, mère de Jacques. Les autres femmes qui étaient avec elles le dirent aussi aux apôtres ;

  The Gospel according to John Jaona Joany L'Évangile selon Saint Jean
Jao / Jo 19.25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother' s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. Ary nijanona teo akaikin' ny hazo fijalian' i Jesosy ny reniny sy ny rahavavin-dreniny, Maria, vadin' i Klopa, sy Maria Magdalena. Ary nitsangana teo akaikin' ny hazo fijalian' i Jeso ny reniny sy ny rahavavin-dreniny, dia Maria vadin' i Kleofasy, ary Maria Madelena. Or près de la croix de Jésus se tenaient sa mère et la soeur de sa mère, Marie, femme de Clopas, et Marie de Magdala.
Jao / Jo 20.1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Ary tamin' ny andro voalohany amin' ny herinandro dia nandeha maraina koa mbola maizimaizina hankany amin' ny fasana Maria Magdalena ka nahita ny vato voaisotra tamin' ny fasana. Ary tamin' ny andro voalohan' ny herinandro, dia lasa marainakoa mbola maizina nankany amin' ny fasana Madelena, ka nahita fa voaesotra tamin' ny fasana ny vato. Le premier jour de la semaine, Marie de Magdala vient de bonne heure au tombeau, comme il faisait encore sombre, et elle aperçoit la pierre enlevée du tombeau.
Jao / Jo 20.18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her. Dia tonga Maria Magdalena ka nilaza tamin' ny mpianatra hoe: Efa nahita ny Tompo aho, sady izany teny izany no nolazainy taminy. Dia lasa Maria Madelena ka nilaza tamin' ny mpianatra hoe: Efa nahita ny Tompo aho, ary izany no nolazainy tamiko. Marie de Magdala vient annoncer aux disciples qu' elle a vu le Seigneur et qu' il lui a dit cela.