
Chapters and verses mentioning Amosy

  Book of Amos Amosa Amosy Livre d'Amos
Amo / Am 1.1 The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel, two years before the earthquake. Ny tenin' i Amosa, izay isan' ny mpiandry ondry tao Tekoa, dia izay hitany ny amin' ny Isiraely tamin' ny andro nanjakan' i Ozia, mpanjakan' ny Joda, sy tamin' ny andro nanjakan' i Jeroboama, zanak' i Joasy, mpanjakan' ny Isiraely, roa taona talohan' ny horohorontany. Tenin' i Amosy, isan' ireo mpiandry ondry tao Tekoe. Izay hitany momba an' Israely, tamin' ny andron' i Oziasa, mpanjakan' i Jodà, sy tamin' ny andron' i Jeroboama, zanak' i Joasa, mpanjakan' Israely, roa taona talohan' ny horohoron-tany. Hoy izy: Paroles d' Amos, qui fut l' un des bergers de Téqoa. Ce qu' il vit sur Israël au temps d' Ozias, roi de Juda, et au temps de Jéroboam, fils de Joas, roi d' Israël, deux ans avant le tremblement de terre.
Amo / Am 7.8 And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more: Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Inona no hitanao, ry Amosa? Ary hoy izaho: Pilao. Dia hoy ny Tompo: Indro, hanisy pilao eo amin' ny Isiraely oloko Aho, fa tsy handefitra aminy intsony; Hoy Iaveh tamiko: Inona no hitanao ry Amosy? Ka namaly aho hoe: Kofehy pilao. Dia hoy ny Tompo: Indro aho manisy ny kofehy pilao, eo amin' Israely vahoakako; fa tsy hamela ny helony intsony. Yahvé me dit : " Que vois-tu, Amos ? " Je dis : " Un fil à plomb. " Le Seigneur dit : " Voici que je vais mettre un fil à plomb au milieu de mon peuple, Israël, désormais je ne lui pardonnerai plus.
Amo / Am 7.10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel: the land is not able to bear all his words. Dia naniraka tany amin' i Jeroboama, mpanjakan' ny Isiraely, Amazia, ilay mpisorona tao Betela, nanao hoe: Amosa efa nanao tetika hikomy aminao teo amin' ny taranak' Isiraely, ary tsy zakan' ny tany ny teniny rehetra, Ary Amasiasa, mpisorona ao Betela, naniraka hilaza amin' i Jeroboama, mpanjakan' Israely hoe: Mitetika ny hikomy aminao eo amin' ny taranak' Israely Amosy; tsy zakan' ny tany intsony ny teniny rehetra. Alors Amasias, le prêtre de Béthel, envoya dire à Jéroboam, roi d' Israël : " Amos conspire contre toi, au sein de la maison d' Israël; le pays ne peut tolérer ses discours.
Amo / Am 7.11 For thus Amos saith, Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land. satria hoy Amosa: Ho fatin-tsabatra Jeroboama, ary hobaboina hiala amin' ny taniny tokoa ny Isiraely. Satria izao no tenin' i Amosy: Jeroboama ho fatin' ny sabatra; ary Israely hoentin-ko babo hiala amin' ny taniny. Car ainsi parle Amos : "Jéroboam périra par l'épée et Israël sera déporté loin de sa terre". "
Amo / Am 7.12 Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou seer, go, flee thee away into the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and prophesy there: Ary hoy Amazia tamin' i Amosa: Ry mpahita! andeha mandositra mankany amin' ny tanin' ny Joda ianao, ka mihinàna hanina any, ary maminania any; Dia hoy Amasiasa tamin' i Amosy: Ry mpahita ô, mandehana mandositra any amin' ny tanin' i Jodà, ka any hianao no mihinàna hanina; any hianao no maminania. Et Amasias dit à Amos : " Voyant, va-t-en; fuis au pays de Juda; mange ton pain là-bas, et là-bas prophétise.
Amo / Am 7.14 Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet' s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit: Dia namaly Amosa ka nanao tamin' i Amazia hoe: Tsy mba mpaminany aho, na zanaka ny mpaminany; fa mpiandry ondry sy mpioty aviavy ihany aho, Izao no navalin' i Amosy an' i Amasiasa: Tsy mba mpaminany aho na zanaky ny mpaminany; fa mpiandry omby sy mpamboly aviavy. Amos répondit et dit à Amasias : " Je ne suis pas prophète, je ne suis pas frère prophète; je suis bouvier et pinceur de sycomores.
Amo / Am 8.2 And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the Lord unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more. Ary hoy Izy: Inona no hitanao, ry Amosa? Dia hoy izaho: Harona feno voankazo masaka fahavaratra. Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Tonga amin' ny Isiraely oloko ny farany; Tsy handefitra aminy intsony Aho. Ary hoy izy: Inona no hitanao, ry Amosy? Dia hoy ny navaliko: Voankazo masaka iray sobika. Ka hoy Iaveh tamiko: Tonga ny farany ho an' Israely vahoakako: Tsy hamela azy intsony aho, izao sisa izao. Il dit : " Que vois-tu, Amos ? " Je dis : " Une corbeille de fruits mûrs. " Yahvé me dit : " Mon peuple Israël est mûr pour sa fin, désormais je ne lui pardonnerai plus.

  The Gospel according to Luke Lioka Lioka L'Évangile selon Saint Luc
Lio / Lk 3.25 Which was the son of Mattathias, which was the son of Amos, which was the son of Naum, which was the son of Esli, which was the son of Nagge, zanak' i Matitia, zanak' i Amosa, zanak' i Nahoma, zanak' i Esly, zanak' i Nagay, zanak' i Matatiasa, zanak' i Amosa, zanak' i Nahoma, zanak' i Heslý, zanak' i Nagè, fils de Mattathias, fils d' Amos, fils de Naoum, fils d' Esli, fils de Naggaï,