
Chapters and verses mentioning Haleloia

      Tobia Livre de Tobie
Tb 13.22 Vato fotsy madio indrindra no hatao ngorodon' ny tokotaniny, ary hohiraina eny an-dalambeny ny hoe : Aleloia!

  The Psalms Salamo Salamo Les Psaumes
Sal 104.35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the Lord. Ho lany ringana tsy ho etý amin' ny tany ny mpanota, Ary ny ratsy fanahy tsy ho etý intsony. Misaora an' i Jehovah, ry fanahiko. Haleloia. Ho fongotra eto an-tany anie ny mpanota, ary tsy hisy intsony ny ratsy fanahy! Misaora an' ny Tompo, ry fanahiko. Alleloia! Que les pécheurs disparaissent de la terre, les impies, qu' il n' en soit jamais plus! Bénis Yahvé, mon âme.
Sal 105.45 That they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise ye the Lord. Mba hitandremany ny didiny, Sy hankatoavany ny lalàny. Haleloia. Raha tahiny nitandrina ny didiny anefa izy ireo; sy nitana ny lalàny. Aleloia! en sorte qu' ils gardent ses décrets et qu' ils observent ses lois.
Sal 106.1 Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Haleloia. Miderà an' i Jehovah, fa tsara Izy, Fa mandrakizay ny famindram-pony. Aleloia! Ankalazao Iaveh, fa tsara fo izy, satria mandrakizay ny famindram-pony. Alleluia! Rendez grâce à Yahvé, car il est bon, car éternel est son amour!
Sal 106.48 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the Lord. Isaorana anie Jehovah Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, hatramin' ny taloha indrindra ka mandrakizay; Ary aoka ny olona rehetra hanao hoe: Amena! Haleloia. Isaorana anie Iaveh Andriamanitr' Israely, hatramin' ny mandrakizay ka ho mandrakizay! Ary aoka ny vahoaka rehetra hilaza hoe: Amena! Aleloia! Béni soit Yahvé le Dieu d' Israël depuis toujours jusqu'à toujours! Et tout le peuple dira : Amen!
Sal 111.1 Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation. Haleloia. Hidera an' i Jehovah amin' ny foko rehetra aho, Eo amin' ny fivorian' ny marina sy ny fiangonan-dehibe. ALEPH Sitrako ny midera an' ny Tompo amin' ny foko rehetra, BETH eo amin' ny fivorian' ny olo-marina sy ao amin' ny fiangonana. Alleluia! Je rends grâce à Yahvé de tout coeur dans le cercle des justes et l' assemblée.
Sal 112.1 Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. Haleloia. Sambatra ny olona izay matahotra an' i Jehovah Sady mankasitraka ny didiny indrindra. ALEPH Sambatra ny olona matahotra an' ny Tompo, BETH izay mametraka ny hafaliany rehetra, amin' ny fitandremana ny didiny. Alleluia! Heureux l' homme qui craint Yahvé, et se plaît fort à ses préceptes!
Sal 113.1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Haleloia. Miderà, ianareo mpanompon' i Jehovah, Miderà ny anaran' i Jehovah. Midera hianareo, ry mpanompon' ny Tompo, midera ny anaran' ny Tompo. Alleluia! Louez, serviteurs de Yahvé, louez le nom de Yahvé!
Sal 113.9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord. Mampitoetra tsara ny momba Izy, Fa mahatonga azy ho renin-jaza mifaly. Haleloia. Manome fonenana ny momba ao an-trano izy, manao azy ho reny mifaly eo afovoan' ny zanany. Aleloia! Il assied la stérile en sa maison, mère en ses fils heureuse.
Sal 115.18 But we will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the Lord. Fa izahay hisaotra an' i Jehovah Hatramin' izao ka ho mandrakizay. Haleloia. fa isika, dia isika no hisaotra an' ny Tompo hatramin' izao ka ho mandrakizay. Aleloia! mais nous, les vivants, nous bénissons Yahvé dès maintenant et à jamais.
Sal 116.19 In the courts of the Lord' s house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord. Dia eo an-kianjan' ny tranon' i Jehovah, Eo afovoanao, ry Jerosalema ô. Haleloia. eo an-kianjan' ny tranon' ny Tompo, dia eo anatin' ny mandanao, ry Jerosalema. Aleloia! dans les parvis de la maison de Yahvé, au milieu de toi, Jérusalem!
Sal 117.2 For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord. Fa lehibe ny famindram-pony amintsika; Ary mandrakizay ny fahamarinan' i Jehovah. Haleloia. Fa lehibe ny hatsaram-pony amintsika, ary maharitra mandrakizay ny fahamarinan' ny Tompo. Aleloia! Fort est son amour pour nous, pour toujours sa vérité.
Sal 135.1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the name of the Lord; praise him, O ye servants of the Lord. Haleloia. Miderà ny anaran' i Jehovah; Miderà, ianareo mpanompon' i Jehovah, Aleloia! - Miderà ny anaran' ny Tompo, miderà azy hianareo mpanompon' ny Tompo, Alleluia! Louez le nom de Yahvé, louez, serviteurs de Yahvé,
Sal 135.21 Blessed be the Lord out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord. Isaorana avy any Ziona anie Jehovah, Izay mitoetra any Jerosalema. Haleloia. Hisaorana avy ao Siona anie Iaveh, izay mitoetra ao Jerosalema! Aleloia! Béni soit Yahvé depuis Sion, lui qui habite Jérusalem!
Sal 146.1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. Haleloia. Miderà an' i Jehovah, ry fanahiko. Aleloia Midera an' ny Tompo, ry fanahiko. Alleluia! Loue Yahvé, mon âme!
Sal 146.10 The Lord shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord. Manjaka mandrakizay Jehovah, Hatramin' ny taranaka fara mandimby Andriamanitrao, ry Ziona. Haleloia. Mpanjaka mandrakizay Iaveh, Andriamanitrao amin' ny taona mifandimby izy, ry Siona. Aleloia! Yahvé règne pour les siècles, ton Dieu, ô Sion, d'âge en âge.
Sal 147.1 Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. Haleloia; Fa tsara ny mihira ho an' Andriamanitsika; Eny, mamy sady mendrika ny fiderana. Aleloia! Miderà an' ny Tompo, fa tsara ny mankalaza ny Andriamanitsika, fa mamy sy mendrika ny midera azy. Alleluia! Louez Yahvé il est bon de chanter, notre Dieu douce est la louange.
Sal 147.20 He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord. Tsy nanao toy izany tamin' izay firenena hafa Izy; Ary ny fitsipiny tsy mba fantatr' ireny. Haleloia. Tsy mba nanao toy izany tamin' ny firenena hafa rehetra izy, ka tsy mahalala ny fitsipiny ireny. Aleloia! pas un peuple qu' il ait ainsi traité, pas un qui ait connu ses jugements.
Sal 148.1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Haleloia. Miderà an' i Jehovah, ry any an-danitra; Miderà Azy any ambony. Aleloia! Miderà an' ny Tompo any an-tampon' ny lanitra, miderà azy any ambony any! Alleluia! Louez Yahvé depuis les cieux, louez-le dans les hauteurs,
Sal 148.14 He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord. Ary manandratra tandroka ho an' ny olony Izy, Dia fiderana ho an' ny olony masina rehetra, Eny, ho an' ny Zanak' Isiraely, firenena akaiky Azy. Haleloia. Nanandratra ny fahefan' ny vahoakany izy, foto-piderana amin' izay rehetra miraiki-po aminy, dia amin' ny zanak' Israely firenena akaiky azy. Aleloia! Il rehausse la vigueur de son peuple, fierté pour tous ses amis, pour les enfants d' Israël, le peuple de ses proches.
Sal 149.1 Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Haleloia. Mihirà fihiram-baovao ho an' i Jehovah, Ny fiderana Azy eo amin' ny fiangonan' ny olona masina. Aleloia! Mihirà fihiram-baovao ho an' ny Tompo: hanakoako eo amin' ny fiangonan' ny olomasina anie ny fiderana azy! Alleluia! Chantez à Yahvé un chant nouveau sa louange dans l' assemblée des siens!
Sal 149.9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord. Mba hanaovany ny fitsarana voasoratra: Voninahitry ny olony masina rehetra Izany. Haleloia. mba hampihatra amin' izy ireo ny teny fitsarana voasoratra: Voninahitra voatokana ho an' ny mpino azy rehetra izany. Aleloia! pour leur appliquer la sentence écrite gloire en soit à tous les siens!
Sal 150.1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Haleloia. Miderà an' Andriamanitra eo amin' ny fitoerany masina. Miderà Azy eo amin' ny habakabaky ny heriny. Aleloia! Miderà an' Andriamanitra eo amin' ny fitoerany masina! Miderà azy amin' ny fitoeran' ny fahefany! Alleluia! Louez Dieu en son sanctuaire, louez-le au firmament de sa puissance,
Sal 150.6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Aoka izay rehetra manam-pofonaina samy hidera an' i Jehovah. Haleloia. Aoka hidera an' ny Tompo ny manam-pofon' aina rehetra! Aleloia! Que tout ce qui respire loue Yahvé!

  The Revelation Apokalypsy Fanambaràna L'Apocalypse
Apo / Ap 19.1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: Rehefa afaka izany, dia nahare hoatra ny feon' ny vahoaka betsaka tany an-danitra aho nanao hoe: Haleloia! Ny famonjena sy ny voninahitra ary ny hery dia an' Andriamanitsika; Rahefa izany, dia nisy hoatra ny feom-bahoaka betsaka tany an-danitra, reko nanao hoe: Aleloia! An' Andriamanitra ny famonjena sy ny voninahitra ary ny hery, Après quoi j' entendis comme un grand bruit de foule immense au ciel, qui clamait : " Alleluia ! Salut et gloire et puissance à notre Dieu,
Apo / Ap 19.3 And again they said, Alleluia And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. Dia niteny fanindroany ireo hoe: Halelola! Ary ny setroky ny tanàna dia miakatra mandrakizay mandrakizay. Dia naverin' izy ireo fanindroany indray ny hoe: Aleloia! Ary niakatra mandrakizay mandrakizay ny setroky ny tanàna. Puis ils reprirent : " Alleluia ! Oui, sa fumée s'élève pour les siècles des siècles ! "
Apo / Ap 19.4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia. Ary ny loholona efatra amby roa-polo sy ny zava-manan' aina efatra dia niankohoka nivavaka tamin' Andriamanitra. Izay mipetraka eo ambonin' ny seza fiandrianana, ka nanao hoe: Amena; Haleloia! Tamin' izany ny Anti-dahy efatra amby roapolo sy ny Zava-manana aina efatra dia niankohoka nitsaoka an' Andriamanitra, nanao hoe: Amena! Aleloia! Alors, les vingt-quatre Vieillards et les quatre Vivants se prosternèrent pour adorer Dieu, qui siège sur le trône, en disant : " Amen, alleluia ! ".
Apo / Ap 19.6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Dia nahare feo tahaka ny an' ny vahoaka betsaka aho, sy tahaka ny firohondrohon' ny rano be, ary tahaka ny fikotroky ny kotrokorana mafy, nanao hoe: Haleloila! Fa ny Tompo Andriamanitsika, dia ny Tsitoha, no Mpanjaka. Ary nisy hoatra ny feon' olona maro be, sy tahaka ny firohondrohon' ny ranobe, ary sahala amin' ny fikotrokotroky ny kotro-baratra mafy, reko nanao hoe: Aleloia! fa ny Tompo Andriamanitsika tsitoha no manjaka. Alors j' entendis comme le bruit d' une foule immense, comme le mugissement des grandes eaux, comme le grondement de violents tonnerres ; on clamait : " Alleluia ! Car il a pris possession de son règne, le Seigneur, le Dieu Maître-de-tout.