
Chapters and verses mentioning Tigra

  Genesis Fiandohana na Genesisy Fiandohana na Jenezy La Genèse
Gen / Jen 2.14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. Ary ny anaran' ny ony fahatelo dia Hidekela; io no mandeha tandrifin' i Asyria. Ary ny ony fahefatra dia Eofrata. Tigra no anaran' ny ony fahatelo; io no mandeha ao atsinanan' i Asora. Ary Eofrata no anaran' ny ony fahefatra. Le troisième fleuve s' appelle le Tigre : il coule à l' orient d' Assur. Le quatrième fleuve est l' Euphrate.