
Chapters and verses mentioning Olai

  Book of Daniel Daniela Daniely Livre de Daniel
Dan / Da 8.2 And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai. Ary nahita tamin' ny fahitana aho, ka raha mbola nijery aho, dia, indro, tao Sosana tao amin' ny lapan' ny mpanjaka izay ao amin' ny tany Elama aho; ary nahita tamin' ny fahitana aho, ka teo amoron' ny ony Olay aho. Ary nahita aho tamin' ny fahitana, ary nony nijery aho dia indro tany Sosa, ilay tanàna mimanda any amin' ny faritanin' i Elama, no nisy ahy; ary nahita aho tamin' ny fahitana, ka teo amoron' ny ony Olai aho. Je contemplais la vision, et tandis que je contemplais, je me trouvais à Suse, la place forte qui est dans la province d' Elam; et, contemplant la vision, je me trouvais à la porte de l' Ulaï.
Dan / Da 8.16 And I heard a man' s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. Ary nandre feon' olona tao afovoan' i Olay aho, izay niantso ka nanao hoe: Ry Gabriela, ampahalalao ny fahitana ity lehilahy ity. Ary injay, nisy feon' olona reko avy ao amin' ny ony Olai niantso nanao hoe: Ry Gabriely, lazao azy ny hevitry ny fahitana! J' entendis une voix d' homme, sur l' Ulaï, criant : "Gabriel, donne-lui l' intelligence de cette vision!"