
Chapters and verses mentioning Kemoela

  Genesis Fiandohana na Genesisy Fiandohana na Jenezy La Genèse
Gen / Jen 22.21 Huz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel the father of Aram, dia Oza lahimatoany sy Boza lahiaivo ary Kemoela, rain' i Arama, dia Hosa lahimatoany, Boza lahiaivo, Kamoela rain' i Arama, son premier-né Uç, Buz, le frère de celui-ci, Qemuel, père d' Aram,

  Numbers Fanisana na Nomery Fanisana Les Nombres
Nom / Fan 34.24 And the prince of the tribe of the children of Ephraim, Kemuel the son of Shiphtan. ary ny lohan' ny firenena taranak' i Efraima dia Kemoela, zanak' i Siftana; ary Kamoela izay filohany, zanak' i Seftàna amin' ny fokon ' ny zanak' i Efraima; et pour la tribu des fils d'Éphraïm, le prince Qemuel, fils de Shiphtân ;

  1st Book of Chronicles 1 Tantara Tantara I 1er Livre des Chroniques
1Tt / 1Tan 27.17 Of the Levites, Hashabiah the son of Kemuel: of the Aaronites, Zadok: tamin' ny Levita dia Hasabia, zanakalahin' i Kemoela; tamin' ny Aronita dia Zadoka; amin' ny Levita: Hasabiasa zanak' i Kamoela; amin' ny fianakavian' i Aarona, Sadaoka; Hashabya fils de Qemuel les Lévites, Sadoq les Aaronides,