
Chapters and verses mentioning Lemoela

  The Proverbs Ohabolana Ohabolana Les Proverbes
Oha / Oh 31.1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. Ny tenin' i Lemoela mpanjaka, dia ny teny mavesa-danja izay nananaran-dreniny azy. Tenin' i Lamoela mpanjaka. Oha-teny nampianaran-dreniny azy. Paroles de Lemuel, roi de Massa, que sa mère lui apprit.
Oha / Oh 31.4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: Tsy mety amin' ny mpanjaka, ry Lemoela, Eny; tsy mety amin' ny mpanjaka ny misotro divay, Na amin' ny mpanapaka ny ho fatra-paniry toaka; Tsy mba an' ny mpanjaka, ry Lamoela, tsy mba an' ny mpanjaka ny misotro divay, na an' ny mpanapaka ny mitady toaka; Il ne convient pas aux rois, Lemuel, il ne convient pas aux rois de boire du vin, ni aux princes d' aimer la boisson,