

Sal 72:1 Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king' s son. Nataon' i Solomona. Andriamanitra ô, omeo ho an' ny mpanjaka ny fitsarànao,ary ho an' ny zanaky ny mpanjaka ny fahamarinanao. Nataon' i Salomona. Ry Andriamanitra ô; tolory ny fitsaranao, ny mpanjaka, ary ny fahamarinanao, ny zanaky ny mpanjaka. De Salomon. O Dieu, donne au roi ton jugement, au fils de roi ta justice,
Sal 72:2 He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment. Hitsara ny olonao amin' ny fahamarinana izy. Ary ny malahelolonao amin' ny fahitsiana. Aoka hitondra ny vahoakanao, araka ny rariny, sy ny mahantranao, araka ny hitsiny! qu' il rende à ton peuple sentence juste et jugement à tes petits.
Sal 72:3 The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness. Ny tendrombohitra hahavokatra fiadanana ho an' ny olona, eny, ny havoana koa amin' ny fahamarinana. Aoka hahavokatra fiadanana ho an' ny vahoaka ny tendrombohitra, torak' izany ny havoana, amin' ny fahamarinana. Montagnes, apportez, et vous collines, la paix au peuple. Avec justice
Sal 72:4 He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. Hitsara ny olona ory izy sy hamonjy ny zanaky ny mahantra ary hanorotoro ny mpampahory. Hanomezany rariny ny olona ory eo amin' ny vahoakany, sy hamonjeny ny zanaky ny mahantra, ary hanorotoroany ny mpampahory! il jugera le petit peuple, il sauvera les fils de pauvres, il écrasera leurs bourreaux.
Sal 72:5 They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations. Hatahotra anao ny olona, raha mbola maharitra koa ny masoandro sy ny volana hatramin' ny taranaka fara mandimby. Aoka hanaja anao ny olona, raha mbola maharitra koa ny masoandro, raha mbola mihiratra koa ny volana, hatramin' ny taona mifandimby. Il durera sous le soleil et la lune siècle après siècle;
Sal 72:6 He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. Hidina tahaka ny ranonorana amin' ny saha voajinja izy, tahaka ny ranonorana mivatravatra amin' ny tany. Aoka izy hidina, toy ny ranonorana amin' ny ahi-maitso, toy ny tandrifin-drahona manondraka ny tany. il descendra comme la pluie sur le regain, comme la bruine mouillant la terre.
Sal 72:7 In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. Ny marina hitrebona amin' ny androny, ary ho be ny fiadanana mandra-paha-tsy hisy volana intsony. Ka amin' ny androny dia aoka ho finaritra ny olo-marina, amim-piadanana feno, mandra-pitsahatry ny fisian' ny volana. En ses jours justice fleurira et grande paix jusqu'à la fin des lunes;
Sal 72:8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Ary hanjaka hatramin' ny ranomasina ka hatramin' ny ranomasina izy, ary hatramin' ny ony ka hatramin' ny faran' ny tany. Hanjaka hatramin' ny ranomasina iray ka hatramin' ny ranomasina hafa izy, ary hatramin' ny Ony ka hatramin' ny faran' ny tany. il dominera de la mer à la mer, du Fleuve jusqu' aux bouts de la terre.
Sal 72:9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. Ny mponina any an-efitra handohalika eo anatrehany; ary ny fahavalony hilelaka ny vovoka. Hiankohoka eo anatrehany ny mponina any an' efitra; ary ho lavo amin' ny tany ny fahavalony. Devant lui se courbera la Bête, ses ennemis lécheront la poussière;
Sal 72:10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Ny mpanjakan' i Tarsisy sy ny nosy handoa hetra; ny mpanjakan' i Sheba sy Seba hanatitra fanomezana. Handoa hetra ny mpanjakan' i Tarsisa sy ny nosy; hanolotra fanatitra ny mpanjakan' i Sabà sy Meroe; les rois de Tarsis et des îles rendront tribut. Les rois de Saba et de Seba feront offrande;
Sal 72:11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. Ary ny mpanjaka rehetra hiankohoka eo anatrehany; ny firenena rehetra hanompo azy. hiankohoka eo anatrehany ny mpanjaka rehetra, hanaiky azy ny firenena rehetra. tous les rois se prosterneront devant lui, tous les païens le serviront.
Sal 72:12 For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. Fa hamonjy ny mahantra mitaraina izy sy ny ory tsy manan-kamonjy; Fa hanafaka ny mahantra mitaraina aminy izy; sy ny ory tsy manan-kamonjy akory. Car il délivre le pauvre qui appelle et le petit qui est sans aide;
Sal 72:13 He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. Hiantra ny reraka sy ny malahelo izy ary hamonjy ny fanahin' ny malahelo. Hiantra ny fadiranovana sy ny tsy manana izy, ary hamonjy ny ain' ny mahantra. compatissant au faible et au pauvre, il sauve l'âme des pauvres.
Sal 72:14 He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight. Hanavotra ny fanahiny amin' ny fampahoriana sy ny fanaovana an-keriny izy; ary ho zava-dehibe eo imasony ny ràny. Hesoriny amin' ny fampahoriana amam-panaovana an-keriny ireny, ary ho sarobidy eo imasony ny ran' izy ireny. De l' oppression, de la violence, il rachète leur âme, leur sang est précieux à ses yeux.
Sal 72:15 And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised. Dia ho velona ireny ka hanome azy volamena avy any Sheba, ary hanao fifonana ho azy mandrakariva, izy, ary isan' andro no hisaorany azy. Dia ho velona ireny, ka hanatitra volamena avy any Sabà ho azy; hanao voady ho azy mandrakariva, ary hisaotra azy isan' andro. Qu' il vive et que lui soit donné l' or de Saba! On priera pour lui sans relâche, tout le jour, on le bénira.
Sal 72:16 There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. Hahavoka-bary betsaka ny tany na dia any an-tampon' ny tendrombohitra aza; hirondrona tahaka ny any Libanona ny fahavokarany; ary ny ao an-tanàna hidokadoka tahaka ny ahitra amin' ny tany. Ny vary, aoka ho vokatra betsaka amin' ny tany hatrany an-tampon' ny tendrombohitra! Ny salohim-bary, aoka hisahondrahondra hoatry ny alan' i Libàna! Ny olona, aoka hirobona ao amin' ny tanàna toy ny ahitra any an-tsaha. Foisonne le froment sur la terre, qu' il ondule au sommet des montagnes, comme le Liban quand il éveille ses fruits et ses fleurs, comme l' herbe de la terre!
Sal 72:17 His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. Ho mandrakizay ny anarany; raha mbola maharitra koa ny masoandro, dia hanorobona ny anarany; ary izy ho fitahiana ny olona; ny firenena rehetra hanao azy ho sambatra. Aoka haharitra mandrakizay ny anarany! Aoka hiely laza ny anarany, raha mbola mihiratra koa ny masoandro! Aoka ho aminy no itadiavan' ny olona fanambinana! Aoka ny firenena rehetra hiantso azy hoe: Sambatra! Soit béni son nom à jamais, qu' il dure sous le soleil! Bénies seront en lui toutes les races de la terre, que tous les païens le disent bienheureux!
Sal 72:18 Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. Isaorana anie Jehovah Andriamanitra, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely; Izy irery ihany no manao fahagagana; Isaorana anie Iaveh Andriamanitra, Andriamanitr' Israely, izay hany manao fahagagana! Béni soit Yahvé, le Dieu d' Israël, qui seul a fait des merveilles;
Sal 72:19 And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. Ary isaorana mandrakizay anie ny anarany malaza; ary aoka ny tany rehetra ho henika ny voninahiny. Amena dia Amena. Isaorana mandrakizay anie ny anarany be voninahitra! Ho feno ny voninahiny anie ny tany rehetra. Amena! Amena! béni soit à jamais son nom de gloire, toute la terre soit remplie de sa gloire! Amen! Amen!
Sal 72:20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. Tapitra ny fivavak' i Davida, zanak' i Jese. Tapitra ny vavak' i Davida zanak' Izai. Fin des prières de David, fils de Jessé.
