

Sal 17:1 Hear the right, O Lord, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips. Fivavak' i Davida. Jehovah ô, mihainoa ny rariny, mandrenesa ny fitarainako, atongilano ny sofinao amin' ny fivavako avy amin' ny molotra tsy misy fitaka. Fivavak' i Davida. Ry Iaveh ô, mandrenesa ny rariny, henoy ny fitarainako; atongilano ny sofinao amin' ny fivavahako, izay tsy aloaky ny molotra misy fitaka. Prière. De David. Ecoute, Yahvé, la justice, sois attentif à mes cris; prête l' oreille à ma prière, point de fraude sur mes lèvres.
Sal 17:2 Let my sentence come forth from thy presence; let thine eyes behold the things that are equal. Hivoaka avy eo anatrehanao ny fitsarana ahy; ny masonao hijery marina. Hivoaka avy amin' ny tavanao anie ny fitsarana ahy; hijery ny marina anie ny masonao! De ta face sortira mon jugement, tes yeux regardent la droiture.
Sal 17:3 Thou hast proved mine heart; thou hast visited me in the night; thou hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. Nizaha toetra ny foko Hianao, namantatra ahy nony alina; nizaha toetra ahy tamin' ny memy Hianao, fa tsy nahita na inona na inona; ny vavako tsy hafa noho ny eritreritro. Hianao efa nizaha toetra ny foko: namangy azy nony alina, nitsapa ahy tamin' ny memy, fa tsy mahita na inona na inona hianao. Tsy mifanohitra amin' ny fisainako ny vavako. Tu sondes mon coeur, tu me visites la nuit, tu m'éprouves sans rien trouver, aucun murmure en moi ma bouche n' a point péché
Sal 17:4 Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. Ny amin' ny asan' ny olona, dia ny tenin' ny molotrao no nitandremako tsy ho amin' ny lalan' ny mpanao an-keriny. Ny amin' ny asa fanaon' ny olona dia narahiko ny tenin' ny molotrao, ka nitandrin-tena tamin' ny làlan' ny mpanao an-keriny aho. à la façon des hommes. La parole de tes lèvres, moi je l' ai gardée, aux sentiers prescrits
Sal 17:5 Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not. Ny diako maharitra eo amin' ny lalanao, tsy solafaka ny tongotro. Nifikitra tao amin' ny làlanao ny diako; ary tsy mba nangozohozo ny tongotro. attachant mes pas, à tes traces, que mes pieds ne trébuchent.
Sal 17:6 I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech. Izaho miantso Anao, ka mamaly ahy Hianao, Andriamanitra ô; atongilano amiko ny sofinao, ka henoy ny teniko. Miantso anao aho, fa mamaly ahy hianao, ry Andriamanitra; atongilano amiko ny sofinao, ka henoy ny fangatahako. Je suis là, je t' appelle, car tu réponds, ô Dieu! Tends l' oreille vers moi, écoute mes paroles,
Sal 17:7 Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. Ataovy mahagaga ny famindram-ponao, ry Mpamonjy amin' ny tananao ankavanana izay olona mialoka aminao, mba tsy ho azon' ny fahavalo. Asehoy ny hatsaram-ponao, hianao izay mamonjy ny mifefy ao amin' ny tànana ankavanana, tsy ho azon' ny fahavalony. signale tes grâces, toi qui sauves ceux qui recourent à ta droite contre les assaillants.
Sal 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, Arovy tahaka ny anakandriamaso aho, afeno ao ambanin' ny aloky ny elatrao, Tandremo tahaka ny anakandriamaso aho; afeno eo ambanin' ny aloky ny elatrao aho, Garde-moi comme la prunelle de l' oeil, à l' ombre de tes ailes cache-moi
Sal 17:9 From the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about. Mba tsy ho azon' ny ratsy fanahy izay mampahory ahy, dia ny fahavaloko masiaka, izay manodidina ahy. tsy ho azo henjehin' ny tsy mpivavaka, sy ny fahavalo tsy tia velona manodidina ahy. aux regards de ces impies qui me ravagent; ennemis au fond de l'âme, ils me cernent.
Sal 17:10 They are inclosed in their own fat: with their mouth they speak proudly. Efa mihirim-belona izy; teny miavonavona no aloaky ny vavany. Tampenany tsy hidiran' ny indrafo ny fony, sady miloa-bava manao teny miavonavona izy ireo. Ils sont enfermés dans leur graisse, ils parlent, l' arrogance à la bouche.
Sal 17:11 They have now compassed us in our steps: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth; Manodidina anay amin' ny alehanay ankehitriny izy, Vandrininy hapotrany amin' ny tany izahay; Tanahiny hodidininy hatrany izahay, tsikiloiny hatsingidina amin' ny tany. Ils marchent contre moi, maintenant ils m' encerclent, ils ont l' oeil sur moi pour me terrasser.
Sal 17:12 Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places. Ny fijery azy dia tahaka ny liona noana ta-hamiravira, sy tahaka ny liona tanora mamitsaka ao am-pierena. Mova tsy ny liona lian-te-handrapaka izy, na ny liona tanora mamitsaka ao amin' ny kirihitr' alany. Leur apparence est d' un lion impatient d' arracher et d' un lionceau tapi dans sa cachette.
Sal 17:13 Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword: Mitsangàna, Jehovah ô, sakano izy, aripaho izy; vonjeo amin' ny sabatrao ny fanahiko tsy ho azon' ny ratsy fanahy; Mitsangàna, ry Iaveh, mirosoa hitsena azy, ka aripaho izy, ny sabatrao no aoka hanafaka ny fanahiko amin' ny ratsy fanahy, Lève-toi, Yahvé, affronte-le, renverse-le, par ton épée délivre mon âme de l' impie,
Sal 17:14 From men which are thy hand, O Lord, from men of the world, which have their portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes. Vonjeo amin' ny tananao aho, Jehovah ô, mba tsy ho azon' ny olon' izao tontolo izao, izay manana ny anjarany amin' izao fiainana izao, sady fenoinao ny harenao ny kibony; Maro anaka izy, dia mamela ny fananany be ho an' ny zanany madinika. ny tànanao hanafaka amin' ny olombelona, dia amin' ny olon' izao tontolo izao izay mahazo ny anjarany amin' ny fiainana ankehitriny, izay fenoinao harena ny kibony; sy vokisanao anaka, ary mamela ho an' ny zafiny ny ambim-bavany. des mortels, par ta main, Yahvé, des mortels qui, dans la vie, ont leur part de ce monde! Avec tes réserves tu leur rempliras le ventre, leurs fils seront rassasiés et ils laisseront le surplus à leurs enfants.
Sal 17:15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. Fa izaho kosa, dia aoka hahita ny tavanao amin' ny fahamarinana; aoka ny endrikao no hahafa-po ahy, raha mifoha. Fa izaho kosa dia hibanjina ny tavanao amin' ny fananako tsiny; sy hiala liana mijery ny sarinao amin' ny fifohazako. Moi, dans la justice, je contemplerai ta face, au réveil je me rassasierai de ton image.
