
Entry1  zoto
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Emotions
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Faharisihana, fanaovana asa na zavatra an-taitrapo ary amim-paharisihana [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  zeal, diligence; [1.7]
Explanations in French  6  zèle, diligence; application [1.8]
Examples  7  Nanery tena moa fa ny zoto tsy eo. [2.4#]
8  Fa tsy misy mafy tsy laitry ny zoto, hoy ny fahendren' ny Ntaolo. [2.285#]
9  Ny mandeha tsy zoto, ny mitoetra tsy laina fa raharaha ifanomanana ka samy manao ny tandrifiny. [2.587#]
10  Active verbs :
11  Relative verbs :
12  Names :
13  Adjectives :
Compound words 
Proverbs  15  Proverbs containing the word zoto

Anagrams  16  tozo, zoto

Updated on 2024/01/13