
Entry (1/2)1  ohabolana
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Literature: (in general)
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Teny atao amin' ohatra hilazana hevitra: oh. Vivy nanitrika ka bongo mason' ny nahiny, izay ilazana an' ohatra ny olona voan' ny nataony ihany. (jereo fitenenana) [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  a proverb [1.2, 1.7]
6  an adage, a trite saying [1.2]
Explanations in French  7  proverbe [1.8]
Examples  8  dia izany no nahatonga ny ohabolana hoe Antananarivo no mafana trano ka i Vakiniiidiana no solo tanora. [2.48]
Synonyms  9  fitenenana
Elementary words  10  ohatra, volana
Tables and plates  16  PROVERBS

Entry (2/2)20  Ohabolana
Part of speech  21  name (biblical book)
Vocabulary  22  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in Malagasy  23  Randzavola: Ohabolana amin' ny Baiboly [1.38]
Explanations in English  24  Proverbs: one of the books of the Bible [2.996]
Explanations in French  25  Proverbes: un des livres de la Bible [2.996]
Elementary words  26  ohabolana

Updated on 2023/06/27