
Entry1  manilika (ilika)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Vocabulary  3  Motion
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Manosika hihataka mampihataka: Iza no nanilika ireto fako ireto ho eto an-tokotanintsika? 5  Mamindra: Tsy tsara ny manilika ny hadisoan' ny tena amin' ny hafa 6  Manesotra tsy ho isany: Ny tenan' ny filoha no nanilika an-dRabe tsy ho isan' ny fikambanana [1.1]
Explanations in English  7  to push away, to move further off; to charge a fault upon another. Generally used of a single thing pushed away. [1.2]8  to push aside or farther off [1.7]
Explanations in French  9  pousser de côté ou plus loin [1.8]
Examples  10  Ny mafy indrindra, dia ny manilika ny tany amin' ny telo metatra no ho midina ka manomboka amin' ny efa-metatra miala amin' ny sisiny. [2.472]
11  Present :
12  Past :
13  Future :
14  Imperative :
Synonyms  15  manilikilika
Proverbs  16  Proverbs containing the word manilika

Anagrams  17  malinika, manilika

Updated on 2023/01/20