
Entry1  alahelo
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Emotions
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Fahoriana, fijalian-tsaina amam-panahy: Latsaka ao anatin' ny alahelo lalina izy ~ Manala alahelo olona 5  Fisehoana manjonitra: Endrey! izany alahelony nandre ny nahafatesan-dreniny! 6  Hanina olon-tiana: Matin' alahelo mihitsy i reniny 7  Sorisory, tsy fahafaliana, fitarainana: Niteraka alahelo ho azy ny teninao anikeheo ~ Raha ananan' olona alahelo ianao, mitadiava hihavana aminy [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  sorrow 9  poverty [1.2, 1.7]10  Grief, depression of spirits, melancholy, dejection; longing after, grieving for 11  penury [1.2]12  affliction [1.7]
Explanations in French  13  tristesse, chagrin [1.8]
Examples  14  Lehibe ny alahelo azo avy amin'izany! [2.59]
15  Manaikitra izany alahelo an' Ikaky izany! [2.528]
16  Mifohafoha ny fahatsiarovana sy ny alahelo. [2.499]
17  Active verbs :
18  Passive verbs :
19  Relative verbs :
20  Names :
21  Adjectives :
Compound words 
Proverbs  26  Proverbs containing the word alahelo

Updated on 2023/07/31