
Entry1  Ramahavaly
Part of speech  2  name (anthroponym)
Vocabulary  3  Religions, Beliefs
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Jereo Mahavaly [2.48]
Explanations in French  5  Voir Mahavaly [1.196]
Examples  6  Dia ramahavaly no isantarana ny ady atao [2.48]
7  Ny nalaza voalohany dia Rainimahay mitahiry ny sampy natao hoe ramahavaly. [2.113#]
8  Ary ny ampitso 9 septambra dia nodorana ramahavaly, Manjakatsiroa, Rafantàka ary Rabehaza. [2.508#]
Tables and plates  10  Full list

Updated on 2022/05/31