
Entry (1/4)1  mikea
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  mihiaka, mihoraka: Mikea vona añambozoñy ny aombelahy i (Mihiaka mbola mifampitolona amin'ny ombilahy izy [1.78]

Entry (2/4)4  Mikea
Part of speech  5  name (ethnonym)
Vocabulary  6  History: clans, tribes
Examples  7  Nony tany an' ala izy, nahita mikea izay. [2.606#]
8  Nisy anaram-poko mikea izay mitovy amin' ny anaram-poko malagasy hafa. [2.508#]
Proverbs  9  Proverbs containing the word Mikea

Entry (3/4)10  Mikea
Part of speech  11  name (biblical book)
Vocabulary  12  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  13  Micah: one of the books of the Bible [2.996]
Explanations in French  14  Michée: un des livres de la Bible [2.996]
Synonyms  15  mika, mika

Entry (4/4)16  Mikea
Part of speech  17  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  18  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  19  Micaiah [2.996]
Explanations in French  20  Michée [2.996]
Examples  21  Ilay iraka lasa niantso an'i mikea dia niteny taminy nanao hoe: [2.996]
Synonyms  22  mikaia, mikaia
Biblical quotes  23  Chapters and verses mentioning Mikea
Tables and plates  24  Full list
Article  25  Randzavola: Diksionera amin' ny Baiboly: Mikea

Anagrams  26  maike, mekia, miake, Mikea, mikea, maike, mekia, miake, Mikea, mikea

Updated on 2022/07/30