
Entry (1/5)1  da
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Economy: clothing
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Karazan-damba [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  A kind of print-calico [1.2]
Explanations in French  6  Damas, étoffe damassée [1.3]

Entry (2/5)7  dama
Part of speech  8  noun
Vocabulary  9  Tools
Explanations in Malagasy  10  Karazam-panoto be loba fitotoana tany mba hifatratra tsara [1.1]
Explanations in French  11  Hie de paveur [3.1]

Entry (3/5)12  dama
Part of speech  13  noun
Vocabulary  14  Game
Explanations in Malagasy  15  Kilalaontsaina misy efitrefitra zato, mainty sy fotsy mifandimbindimby; ny vato dia voalahatra amin' ny laharan' efitrefitra roa farany, amin' ny andaniny sy an-kilany, ka mandroso izy ireo amin' ny laharan' efitrefitra tsy misy vato, ary dia mifampihinana amin' izay; ny an' ny dama, ihoarana no fihinana ny vato fa tsy tahaka ny an' ny fanorona izay aroso amin' ny toerana iray banga ka lany daholo ny vaton' ny ankilany amin' ny hitsin' ny tsipika nandrosoana azy; izay tapitra aloha ny vato no resy toy ny amin' ny fanorona ihany [1.1]

Entry (4/5)16  Dama
Part of speech  17  name (anthroponym)
Tables and plates  19  Full list

Entry (5/5)20  Dama
Part of speech  21  name (anthroponym)
Vocabulary  22  History: individuals
Explanations in Malagasy  23  Fanafohezan' ny anarana Radama [3.1]
Examples  24  Voalohany indrindra, lay iretsy, indro i Dama [2.48]
25  Dama ô, tsy voalohany itsofako rano an' ialahy izao. [2.528]
Synonyms  26  damalahy, damalahy, ilaidama, ilaidama, lahidama, lahidama, radama, radama
Tables and plates  27  Full list

Updated on 2023/07/25