| 1 selfish  |
fia zana-borona | 2 selfish ~ [zana-borona, a young bird.] Oppression, extortion, imposition; selfish holding to anything. |
mibahana | 3 selfish |
mihirim-belona | 4 selfish ~ (lit. to shut the eyes when still living), to be selfish |
mamy fo velona | 5 selfish ~ selfish. |
mamy hanina an-tanana | 6 selfish ~ keeping all to one's self, as a sweet morsel in the hand; selfish. See <1mamyfovelona#>. |
manao fihin-kala | 7 selfish (to be) ~ to be selfish, to be avaricious, unkind or unmerciful. |
sarotra | 8 selfish ~ difficult; selfish, hard to get along with; costly |