| 1 detain  |
mihazona | 2 detain (to) ~ to hold, to grasp, to detain. |
mamahana | 3 detain (to) ~ to hold fast to something, as a balustrade or cord; to place the feet firmly on the ground in supporting anything or resisting any one, or as a cat pulled by the tail clings to the ground with its claws; to rest upon something or some one, as in resting confidently on God; to detain, to prevent from going or being drawn away; to hold to what belongs to another. |
mamokeky | 4 detain (to) ~ to hold to something, to detain, to retain, to prevent from departing |
manantoandro | 5 detain (to) ~ to make it full day; to detain, as by procrastination, until the day has far advanced. |
miato | 6 detain (to) ~ to stop, to stay, to detain. |