
Entry (1/3)1  bamba
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.10#B.46] miravona ho iray, mitovy tantana, rano iray
4  [1.1] miely eran' ny manodidina rehetra, mihanaka hatraiza hatraiza, fampiasa indrindra amin' ilay fiteny hoe: Bamba iray na bambaray, izay mety hanan-kevitra roa: 1) Mitovy tantana hatrany hatrany: Tamin' ilay tondra-drano taona itsỳ, bamba iray daholo no fijery ny havoana sy ny lemaka 2) Rakotra hatraiza hatraiza: Bambarain' ny fery ny tenan' i Joba
Explanations in English  5  [1.2] spreading over, covering, as eruptions in cutaneous diseases
Explanations in French  6  [1.3#73] étendu partout, qui couvre également tout
Synonyms  7  bambaray, bamba iray, bambiray
Compound words 

Entry (2/3)9  bamba
Part of speech  10  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  11  [1.10#B.46] manda na tanàna fiarovana
manda na rindrina rava, mikoa, mirodana
Explanations in English  12  [1.2] a fortification
a fallen wall

Entry (3/3)13  bamba
Part of speech  14  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  15  [1.10#B.46] filanjana bao tokana
Explanations in English  16  [1.2] [Provincial] a single-poled palanquin

Updated on 2024/12/10