
Entry1  korana
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Resaka, korankorana, resadresaka [1.78]
4  Resaka falifaly ataon' ny mpiray tampo na ny mpisakaiza: Korana sy hehy no nandaniana ny andro [1.1]
5  Fiaraha-mifaly, fiaraha-milalao: Ny any aminay dia feno korana lalandava [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  Pleasant conversation [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  Causerie joyeuse [1.8]
8  Active verbs :
9  Passive verbs :
10  Relative verbs :
11  Nouns :
12  Adjectives :
Compound words 
Proverbs  14  Proverbs containing the word korana

Anagrams  15  ankora, korana, ranoka, rokàna, ronaka

Updated on 2020/07/31