
Chapters and verses mentioning Beti-kara

  1st Samuel 1 Samoela Samoela I 1er Livre de Samuel
1Sm / 1Sam 7.11 And the men of Israel went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until they came under Bethcar. Ary ny lehilahy amin' ny Isiraely niala tany Mizpa, dia nanenjika ny Filistina ka namely azy mandra-pahatongany teo ambanin' i Beti-kara. Ary nivoaka avy tao Masfà ny lehilahy amin' Israely, ka nanenjika ny Filistina, sy namely azy hatrany ambanin' i Beti-Kara. Les gens d' Israël sortirent de Miçpa et poursuivirent les Philistins, et ils les battirent jusqu' en dessous de Bet-Kar.