
Chapters and verses mentioning Zebolonita

  Judges Mpitsara Mpitsara Livre des Juges
Mts / Mpits 12.11 And after him Elon, a Zebulonite, judged Israel; and he judged Israel ten years. Ary Elona Zebolonita no nitsara ny Isiraely nandimby azy; ary nitsara ny Isiraely folo taona izy. Taorian' izy io dia Ahialona avy any Zabolona no mpitsara tamin' Israely. Nandritra ny folo taona izy no mpitsara tamin' Israely. Après lui Élôn de Zabulon fut juge en Israël. Il jugea Israël pendant dix ans.
Mts / Mpits 12.12 And Elon the Zebulonite died, and was buried in Aijalon in the country of Zebulun. Dia maty Elona Zebolonita ka nalevina tany Aialona ao amin' ny tanin' ny Zebolona. Rahefa izany dia maty Ahialona avy any Zabolona ka nalevina tao Ajalona amin' ny tanin' i Zabolona. Puis Élôn de Zabulon mourut et fut enseveli à Ayyalôn au pays de Zabulon.