

Dan / Da 8:1 In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first. Tamin' ny taona fahatelo nanjakan' i Belsazara mpanjaka dia nisy fahitana niseho tamiko, izaho Daniela, taorian' ilay niseho tamiko tamin' ny voalohany. Tamin' ny taona fahatelo nanjakan' i Baltasara mpanjaka, nisy fahitana niseho tamiko izaho Daniely, taorian' ilay niseho tamiko taloha. En l' an trois du règne du roi Balthazar, une vision m' apparut, à moi Daniel, après celle qui m'était apparue en premier.
Dan / Da 8:2 And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai. Ary nahita tamin' ny fahitana aho, ka raha mbola nijery aho, dia, indro, tao Sosana tao amin' ny lapan' ny mpanjaka izay ao amin' ny tany Elama aho; ary nahita tamin' ny fahitana aho, ka teo amoron' ny ony Olay aho. Ary nahita aho tamin' ny fahitana, ary nony nijery aho dia indro tany Sosa, ilay tanàna mimanda any amin' ny faritanin' i Elama, no nisy ahy; ary nahita aho tamin' ny fahitana, ka teo amoron' ny ony Olai aho. Je contemplais la vision, et tandis que je contemplais, je me trouvais à Suse, la place forte qui est dans la province d' Elam; et, contemplant la vision, je me trouvais à la porte de l' Ulaï.
Dan / Da 8:3 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last. Dia natopiko ny masoko, ka hitako, fa, indro, nisy ondrilahy iray nitsangana teo amoron' ny ony, izay nanana tandroka roa; lava ireo tandroka ireo, ary ny anankiray lava noho ny anankiray, nefa ilay lavalava kokoa no niposaka taoriana. Natopiko ny masoko, dia nahita aho, dia indro nisy ondralahy iray nitsangana teo amoron' ny ony, nanan-tandroka roa izy io, avo ny tandrony roa, nefa lava noho ny namany ny anankiray, ary ilay lavalava kokoa no niposaka taoriana. Je levai les yeux pour voir. Voici : un bélier se tenait devant la porte. Il avait deux cornes; les deux cornes étaient hautes, mais l' une plus que l' autre, et la plus haute qui se dressa fut la seconde.
Dan / Da 8:4 I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great. Hitako ny ondrilahy manoto miankandrefana sy mianavaratra ary mianatsimo; ary tsy nisy biby nahajanona teo anoloany, ary tsy nisy naharombaka izay mby teny an-tanany; fa nanao araka izay sitrapony izy ka tonga lehibe. Hitako ilay ondralahy fa nanoto niankandrefana, nianavaratra, nianatsimo; tsy nisy biby nahatoha teo anoloany tsy nisy olona nahafaka teo an-tànany; nanao izay tiany izy, ary nihalehibe. Je vis le bélier donner de la corne vers l' ouest, vers le nord et vers le sud. Nulle bête ne pouvait lui résister, rien ne pouvait lui échapper. Il faisait ce qui lui plaisait et devint puissant.
Dan / Da 8:5 And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. Ary raha mbola nandinika aho, dia, indro, nisy osilahy nivoaka avy tany andrefana ka nitety ny tany rehetra, nefa tsy nikasika ny tany; ary ilay osilahy dia nanana tandroka lehibe teo anelanelan' ny masony. Izaho izany dia nandinika fatratra teo, ka indro nisy vantotr' osilahy tonga avy any andrefana, teo ambonin' ny tany rehetra, tsy nitehi-tany akory, ary nanan-tandroka niharihary tsara teo anelanelan' ny masony, izany osilahy izany. Voici ce que je discernai : un bouc vint de l' occident, ayant parcouru la terre entière mais sans toucher le sol, et le bouc avait une corne "magnifique" entre les yeux.
Dan / Da 8:6 And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. Ary izy nankeo amin' ilay ondrilahy nanana tandroka roa, dia ilay efa hitako nitsangana eo amoron' ny ony, ka nanazakazaka azy tamin' ny fahatezeran' ny heriny. Nankeo amin' ilay ondralahy nanan-tandroka roa izay efa hitako nitsangana teo amoron' ny ony, izy, ary niezaka hikatroka amin' io, tamin' ny firehitry ny heriny. Il s' approcha du bélier aux deux cornes que j' avais vu se tenir devant la porte, et courut vers lui dans l' ardeur de sa force.
Dan / Da 8:7 And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand. Ary hitako nanatona ho eo anilan' ny ondrilahy izy, dia nisafoaka taminy ka namely ny ondrilahy ary nanapaka ny tandrony roa, ka tsy nahajanona teo anoloany intsony ilay ondrilahy, fa nazerany teo amin' ny tany ka nohitsakitsahiny; ary tsy nisy nahavonjy ilay ondrilahy teny an-tànany. Dia hitako izy nanatona ilay ondralahy, nisafoaka taminy, mamely ity ondralahy ary nanapaka ny tandrony roa, ary tsy nanan-kery akory mba hanoha azy ilay ondralahy; fa nazerany tamin' ny tany, nohoseny tamin' ny tongony; ary tsy nisy nahavonjy an' ity ondralahy teny an-tànany. Je le vis atteindre et affronter le bélier : il était en rage contre lui et frappa le bélier, lui brisant les deux cornes, sans que le bélier eût la force de lui résister; il le jeta à terre et le foula aux pieds; personne n'était là pour délivrer le bélier.
Dan / Da 8:8 Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. Ary dia nihahery indrindra ilay osilahy; nefa nony nahery izy, dia tapaka ilay tandrony lehibe; ary nisy efatra lehibe nipoitra nisolo iny nifanandrify tamin' ny rivotra efatry ny lanitra. Nitombo fatratra ilay vantotr' osilahy ary nony efa nahery izy, tapaka ilay tandrony lehibe, fa tandroka efatra indray no hitako nisolo iny tamin' ny vazan-tany efatra. Le bouc devint très puissant, mais, en pleine force, la grande corne se brisa et à sa place se dressèrent quatre "magnifiques" à l' encontre des quatre vents du ciel.
Dan / Da 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. Ary nisy tandroka kely nipoitra avy tamin' ny anankiray amin' ireny ka nihalehibe indrindra nianatsimo sy niantsinanana ary nankany amin' ny tany mahafinaritra. Nisy tandroka kely iray nipoitra avy tamin' ny anankiray tamin' ireo, nitombo fatratra teny atsimo eny sy teny atsinanana, ary tany amin' ny tany be voninahitra. De l' une d' elles, de la petite, sortit une corne, mais qui grandit beaucoup dans la direction du sud et de l' orient et du Pays de Splendeur.
Dan / Da 8:10 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Ary nihalehibe izy ka nihatra tamin' ireo maro be eny amin' ny lanitra; ary nisy nazerany ho amin' ny tany ireo maro be sy ny kintana ka nohitsakitsahiny. Nitombo izy nahatakatra ny tafiky ny lanitra, nazerany amin' ny tany ny sasany tamin' izany tafika izany mbamin' ny kintana, ka nohoseny tamin' ny tongony. Elle grandit jusqu' aux armées du ciel, précipita à terre des armées et des étoiles et les foula aux pieds.
Dan / Da 8:11 Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down. Eny, nihalehibe izy ka dia niady tamin' ny Komandin' ireo maro be, ary nesorina taminy ny fanatitra isan' andro, ary ny fitoerana masina noravana. Nitombo nahatakatra ny filohan' ny tafika izy, ka nesoriny tamin' io ny fanompoana tsy tapaka ary voarava ny tokotanin' ny fitoerana masina. Elle s' exalta même contre le Prince de l' armée, abolit le sacrifice perpétuel et renversa le fondement de son sanctuaire
Dan / Da 8:12 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered. Ary nisy maro be mbamin' ny fanatitra isan' andro natolotra azy noho ny fahadisoana, dia nazerany ho amin' ny tany ny fahamarinana; ary niasa izy sady nambinina. Nisy tafika anankiray voatolotra tamin' ny fahavalo noho ny fivadihana, mbamin' ny fanompoana tsy tapaka, ary nazeran' ny tandroka tamin' ny tany ny fahamarinana: nanao izany izy ka nahefa. et l' armée; sur le sacrifice elle posa l' iniquité et renversa à terre la vérité; elle agit et réussit.
Dan / Da 8:13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? Dia nandre ny masina anankiray niteny aho, ary nisy masina iray koa nanao tamin' ilay niteny hoe: Mandra-pahoviana ny fahitana mandrakariva sy ny fahotana mahatonga fandravana mba hanolorana ny fitoerana masina sy ireo maro be ho fanitsaka? Dia nisy masina anankiray reko niteny, ka hoy ny masina anankiray hafa tamin' ilay niteny: Mandra-pahoviana no haharetan' izay asehon' ny fahitana ny amin' ny fanompoana tsy tapaka, ny fahotana mampahory, mbamin' ny fandaozana ny fitoerana masina sy ny tafika hohitsakitsahina. J' entendis un saint qui parlait, et un autre saint dit à celui qui parlait : "Jusques à quand la vision : le sacrifice perpétuel, désolation de l' iniquité, sanctuaire et légion foulés aux pieds?"
Dan / Da 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Ary hoy izy tamiko: Taon-jato sy roa arivo andro; ary nony afaka izany, dia amin' izay vao hodiovina ny fitoerana masina. Ary hoy izy tamiko: Hatramin' ny telon-jato amby roa arivo maraina sy hariva fa rahefa afaka izany dia hodiovina ny fitoerana masina. Il lui dit : "Encore 2.300 soirs et matins, alors le sanctuaire sera revendiqué."
Dan / Da 8:15 And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man. Ary nony nahita ny fahitana izaho Daniela ka nitady hahafantatra izany, dia, indro, nisy nanana tarehy tahaka ny olona nitsangana teo anatrehako. Raha mbola nahita izany fahitana izany aho Daniely, sady nitady hahafantatra ny heviny, dia indro nisy nitsangana teo anatrehako, niseho toy ny tarehan' olona. Moi, Daniel, contemplant cette vision, j' en cherchai l' intelligence. Voici, se tenant devant moi, quelqu' un qui avait l' aspect d' un homme.
Dan / Da 8:16 And I heard a man' s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. Ary nandre feon' olona tao afovoan' i Olay aho, izay niantso ka nanao hoe: Ry Gabriela, ampahalalao ny fahitana ity lehilahy ity. Ary injay, nisy feon' olona reko avy ao amin' ny ony Olai niantso nanao hoe: Ry Gabriely, lazao azy ny hevitry ny fahitana! J' entendis une voix d' homme, sur l' Ulaï, criant : "Gabriel, donne-lui l' intelligence de cette vision!"
Dan / Da 8:17 So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision. Ary dia nankeo amin' ilay nitsanganako izy; ary nony tonga izy, dia raiki-tahotra aho ka nikarapoka nihohoka; nefa hoy izy tamiko: Aoka ho fantatrao, ry zanak' olona, fa io fahitana io dia milaza ny farany. Dia nankeo amin' ilay toerana nitsanganako izy, ka raiki-tahotra sy niankarapoka nihohoka tamin' ny tany aho, nony nanatona izy. Ary izao no nolazainy tamiko: Aoka ho fantatrao, ry zanak' olona, fa amin' ny momba ny fotoana farany, izany fahitana izany. Il s' avança vers le lieu où je me tenais, et, comme il approchait, je fus saisi de terreur et tombai face contre terre. Il me dit : "Fils d' homme, comprends : c' est le temps de la Fin que révèle la vision."
Dan / Da 8:18 Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright. Ary raha niresaka tamiko izy, dia renoky ny torimaso teo amin' ny tany aho; fa izy nanohina nampitsangana ahy. Mbola niteny tamiko teo izy, no nihohoka tamin' ny tany aho voan' ny torimaso, nefa notohininy aho, dia nampitsanganiny teo amin' ny fitoerana nisy ahy Il parlait encore que je m'évanouis, la face contre terre. Il me toucha et me releva.
Dan / Da 8:19 And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. Dia hoy izy: Indro, hampahafantariko anao izay ho tonga amin' ny fahatezerana farany; fa ho amin' ny fotoana any am-parany izany. sy nilazany hoe: Indro hampahafantariko anao, izay ho tonga any amin' ny fotoam-pahatezerana farany, fa zavatra ho amin' ny fotoana any am-parany, izany. Il dit : "Voici, je vais te faire connaître ce qui viendra à la fin de la Colère, pour la Fin assignée.
Dan / Da 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. Ilay ondrilahy hitanao nanana tandroka roa dia ny mpanjakan' i Media sy Persia. Ilay ondralahy manan-tandroka roa hitanao, dia ny mpanjakan' i Media sy Persa; Le bélier que tu as vu, ses deux cornes, ce sont les rois des Mèdes et des Perses.
Dan / Da 8:21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. Ary ny osilahy lava volo dia ny mpanjakan' i Grisia; ary ny tandroka lehibe teo anelanelan' ny masony dia ny mpanjaka voalohany. ilay osilahy lava volo, dia ny mpanjakan' i Javana ary ilay tandroka lehibe tanelanelan' ny masony, no mpanjaka voalohany. Le bouc velu est le roi de Yavân, la grande corne qui est entre ses yeux, c' est le premier roi.
Dan / Da 8:22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. Ary ny amin' ilay efa tapaka, ka nisy efatra nitsangana nandimby azy, dia hisy fanjakana efatra hitsangana avy amin' ny jentilisa, nefa tsy mitovy hery aminy. Izany tandroka izany no tapaka ary ireo tandroka efatra no nitsangana nandimby azy, dia hisy fanjakana efatra hitsangana amin' izany firenena izany, nefa tsy hitovy hery aminy. La corne brisée et les quatre cornes qui ont poussé à sa place, sont quatre royaumes issus de sa nation mais qui n' auront pas sa force.
Dan / Da 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. Ary ny hiafaran' ny fanjakany, rehefa tanteraky ny mpanota ny asany, dia hisy mpanjaka hitsangana, izay masia-tarehy sy mahafantatra zavatra saro-pantarina. Amin' ny faran' ny fanjakan' izy ireo, rahefa feno isa ny mpivadika, dia hisy mpanjaka anankiray hitsangana, masia-tarehy, mahafantatra ny zava-miafina; "Et au terme de leur règne, au temps de la plénitude de leurs péché, se lèvera un roi au visage fier, sachant pénétrer les énigmes.
Dan / Da 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. Ary ho be ny heriny, nefa tsy amin' ny herin' ny tenany; ary mahagaga ny fanimbana hataony; ary hambinina izy ka hahefa ary hanimba ny mahery sy ny olo-masina. hitombo fahefana, nefa tsy amin' ny herin' ny tenany, hanao fandravana mahagaga: hanefa izay kendreny hatao, ary hanimba ny mahery sy ny vahoakan' ny olomasina. Sa puissance croîtra en force, mais non par sa propre puissance il tramera des choses inouïes il prospérera dans ses entreprises, il détruira des puissants et le peuple des saints.
Dan / Da 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. Ary ny fahafetseny koa no hahatanteraka ny fitaka eny an-tanany; ary izy hiavonavona am-po ka handringana ny maro amin' izay tsy ampoiziny; ary hitsangana hanohitra ny Andrianan' ny andriana izy, kanjo ho torotoro kosa, nefa tsy hisy tanana hamely azy tsinona. Noho ny hafetseny hahavoa ny fitaka any an-tànany: hiavonavona am-po izy, ary handringana olona maro mitoetra fahizay: hitsangan-kanohitra ny mpanjakan' ny mpanjaka izy, nefa ho torotoro tsy kasihin-tanan' olombelona akory. Et, par son intelligence, la trahison réussira entre ses mains. Il s' exaltera dans son coeur et détruira un grand nombre par surprise. Il s' opposera au Prince des Princes, mais sans acte de main il sera brisé.
Dan / Da 8:26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days. Ary dia marina ny amin' ireo andro voalaza ireo, nefa ahorony ny fahitana, fa mbola ho andro maro izany. Marina ny fahitana naposaka ny amin' ny hariva sy ny maraina: nefa aoka hahoronao izany fahitana izany, fa mbola ho amin' ny andro aoriana any. Elle est vraie, la vision des soirs et des matins qui a été dite, mais, toi, garde silence sur la vision, car il doit s'écouler bien des jours."
Dan / Da 8:27 And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king' s business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it. Ary izaho Daniela dia torana ka nandraiky narary andro vitsivitsy; ary nony afaka izany dia nitsangana aho ka nanao ny raharahan' ny mpanjaka; ary ka aho ny amin' ny fahitana, nefa tsy nisy nahafantatra izany. Ary izaho Daniely torana sy nandraiki-narary andro maro, vao nitsangana nanao ny raharahan' ny mpanjaka. Talanjona tamin' ny fahitako aho fa ny olona tsy nisy nahafantatra izany. Alors, moi Daniel, je défaillis et je fus malade plusieurs jours. Puis je me levai, pour accomplir mon office auprès du roi, gardant silence sur la vision, et demeurant sans la comprendre.
